Reviewing v 0.0.01
Graphics: 5/5
Writing: 5/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Outstanding overall quality. The characters feel like real people with real flaws and issues, and nearly all of them are interesting enough to leave the reader wanting to get to know them better. The graphics are superb, second to none as far as I can tell. The animated eyes showing what's drawing the characters' attention while they talk about something else, are a touch of brilliance.
I expected not to like this game because I'm not into 50% of the advertised tags, but the game is so well written, the characters are so engaging, that I wasn't bothered by the things I didn't like or would normally find utterly implausible. The use of language is very good too, you won't be distracted by bad English in this game.
Gameplay is great, with a couple of touches way above average. I couldn't see any bugs. I love the implementation of choosing conversation paths with icons on relevant parts of the screen.
If there's one thing I would say I didn't especially enjoy, it was the massage minigame. As far as I can tell we're given over half a dozen simultaneous options that look the same but don't have any obvious means to differentiate between them, several times in a row, and we don't get the 'optimal' outcome if we don't click the right combination, seemingly at random. It's easy enough rolling back with the mouse wheel, I just don't quite love it, hence 4/5 gameplay. There may well be a pattern to it I haven't seen yet, and the implementation seems flawless, I'm just not the biggest fan of the current design of that part.