This game does not deserve the one star rating.
1 star means shit in every aspect but this game doenst have bugs, glitches.. at least i havent experiecend them.
Mechanics are working as well.
Because it isn't a sexgame it's not autmaticly bad.
Walking, Jumping, Running. It's OK.
In the very first area you are gliding above the ground instead of walking. Feels strange.
Combat this is where this game needs to shine! But it doesnt
Press A to dodge?! the controls are "WASD" so with "A" i dont do anything special besides a step to the left.
Hits are missing its impact, ok to be fair the attack on #5 delivers impact and its an eyecandy on the other hand i wished it would send the enemy flying.
Barrels cannot be destroyed and crates cannot be opened.
The graphics looks good, lots of statues ect but without a story i dont care about them.
The missing story is a huge lack.
Lots of settings like view distance, blur and and and, but i wish there was an option to zoom a bit away from the character - if you are surrounded by 3 monsters and a boss comes along, the overview is 0. you can't plan which opponent next or dodge is impossible.
So for me its a 2 Star game atm. If there is some kind of story even if its "Hades summons monsters in old greek and hero needs to save the day" it would give me a reason to kill monsters and that would at least explain why I do what I do.
Add a Story,tweak the movement and impact, add camera distance - then its a good game!
It's early access and there you have to say the basis is there.