I don't know if you can even call the women victims in HC3. All of the men are certainly quite pushy and domineering but the women all ultimately make their own choices.I think that if this entry of the series follows the pattern of the previous ones the girls will steadily chose their NTR partners over Leto and also endorse and help with their plots and subterfuges. Rose for example will help with the plans of the secret organization, albeit reluctantly or unbeknownst at first she will end up prioritizing the Duke's ploys over her trust on Leto, her trust shifting from one to the other. I foresee that this will involve the natives and the truth behind the peacekeepers in some way. Cyanna will also help Ulrod with his shit in the military etc, etc. And even if the girls start undoubtedly as victims the lines between being victims and perpetrators will start to gradually blur more and more.
Haylen capitulates almost immediately with little to no real pressure from the guard whose name I can't remember. She's certainly being taken advantage of since the guard is scheming ways to get her to put out but he'd have given up a long time ago if she'd resisted.
Lily takes the pleasure offered her without considering the consequences and decides to use her sexuality to get what she wants of her own volition. The magic shop owner is definitely using his position of power over her as a means to manipulate Lily however she's still making her own choices.
Cyanna's guilt over her perceived abandonment of Ulrod affects her actions but she's still making her own decisions.
Rose is the closest to an actual victim but at no point does she ever actually make any real effort to figure things out for herself. Rose just takes the Duke's words at face value and reluctantly goes along with it, and if the latest update is anything to go by that reluctance is already fading fast.
Physical and emotional betrayal is already happening and it's only so long before the priorities of the characters shift from aligning with Leto as friends and lovers to aligning with their partners for the promise of pleasure. It happened in HC1, it happened very quickly in HC2, and it's beginning to happen in HC3 and it's not going to be victimless.