I almost feel bad for saying this cause i'm usually pretty vocal about how interactive Freeroam events are infinitely better than simple Freeroam events that you can just...see, but i think that lately N_Taii has been going a bit overboard with them, and i don't mean quantity cause there's no such thing as too many freeroam events, i mean quality.
I first thought about this right after reading the post where N_Taii explained why the Updates have been taking longer lately and obviously the main reason in that post was that the quality of freeroam events have drastically increased over the years, to the point where they're more like smaller scenes rather than actual Freeroam events...and i think that is precisely what happened, for example the only difference between the actual scenes for Lily and the 2 freeroam events that were added in Update14, is that the location from where you can watch these scenes are different.
Now i obviously can't speak for everyone so i'm not saying that this is objectively bad, but for me freeroam events should not have to be triggered in order for us to see it and they most definitely should not end after we're done interacting with them...most of the time, i love the freeroam event where Haylen is having sex with Jazon in his room on a random morning and i wouldn't change anything about it, but it's a great example for what i'm saying, you can't see anything before OR after you interact with Haylen, only while the cutscene is happening, and as i said, i wouldn't change anything about this scene but the fact that more and more freeroam events are like this is something that i have a bone to pick with.
I'm at a point where i keep thinking about that one Freeroam event where Cyanna and Ulrod are having sex down at the docks in front of the warehouse and i'm almost like "i wish we had more freeroam events like this".
I'll give a better example of what i mean and how i would've preferred it instead: there is a new freeroam event for Lily where she's standing in front of the greenhouse just below Nezar's shop with those Heart icons above her head that indicates that there is something happening here, once you talk to Lily the scene starts, Nezar appears, Leto leaves, Lily and Nezar starts having sex, scene over, pretty straightforward, it's a good freeroam event don't get me wrong, but again, there is nothing happening BEFORE and AFTER you talk with Lily.
How I would've liked this scene more you ask ? Easy, the EXACT same thing but instead of Lily standing in front of the greenhouse, she's already having sex with Nezar inside, and you can only interact with those Heart icons on the ground, and once you do, the screen goes black and it says "15 MINUTES EARLIER", and THEN the exact same cutscene starts playing as the one we already have.
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As i said at the beginning, i've been thinking about this ever since that post was made on Patreon right after Update14's first release, but i didn't want to write it down cause i knew that it would be a really long post and i was just too lazy to bother (and as i'm looking at it right now, it seems i was spot on unfortunately), however this week's PoL was released 2 days ago, and N_Taii ended the post by saying this:
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This was what actually made me want to write this monstrosity down, i don't know exacly what i'm expecting from all of this, but maybe this will somehow snowball into a discussion or whatever.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (hopefully more than 2 people will bother reading it lmao)