anyone got the latest pol?
Proof of Life #259: What happens in the maze, stays in the maze
4 days ago
Hello people from around the world, how are you doing in this fine morning/afternoon/evening? If you’ve come here to get some news about HC3, well, you’ve certainly come to the right place!
This PoL will be pretty short, as I don’t have a whole lot to say, or at least not much to say that wouldn’t be either uninteresting or outright spoilers. Quoting the famous peasant in Warcraft 3: “Work Work!”, I feel like it captures the essence of what the past week has been.
I’ve finished Rose’s scene, tested it entirely, and added it to the reminiscence room. I’ve also finished developing Cyanna’s second scene and two smaller freeroam for Haylen and Lily (as always, only if you’ve progressed their storyline far enough), plus some story here and there. As you can see, I’ve also managed to reduce the MC’s field of vision to keep a certain sense of mystery that matches being lost in a maze. Also, that way you can’t figure out the correct path right away by looking at the map, although the maze itself is pretty easy, because frustrating players certainly isn’t its main purpose.
Although I still have to test it, I quite like the new Cyanna scene. As with most scenes, it plays a role within the greater story. I’ve also added one more story choice, which now brings the amount of choices in HC3 to a grand total of 12, although no one really cares about that^^
I’m back to developing now. All that’s left is a story segment, then the extra scene and the last Rose scene almost back to back before the update is completed. I’ll see you next Monday for more juicy HC3 news!
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week!