Thought I would chime in on the convo.
It would be far easier to make a lesbian only game (or hetero only for that matter)...I would just have to develop those female characters and their relationships and not have to "worry" about catering to any other sexual paths (MF, MFF, MMF, MMFF).
Because I chose to make all possible paths, that causes quite a few issues:
1. There is a LOT more unique relationships that have to be built and built in different ways.
2. The change in demeanor, thoughts, conversation and actions have to be kept in mind based of the paths you are taking, which only gets harder over time. (I am not saying I do an amazing job at that, but I try my best).
3. I can never fully satisfy a "player" who only likes one thing or another and nothing in between. Even if I do satisfy them somewhat for a short time (for example two back to back chapters of cabin lesbianism), one chapter later there isn't content for them and they can be unhappy. The counter to this would be - "do longer chapters" - and instead of one release per 6 weeks, I do one release every 3 months. That way I ensure if you are playing a release there will be something for you. The feedback in the past has been against that and since I have been comfortable with it for coming on 2 years now, should I bother changing that? I open to change.
I plan on posting my general plan going forward on Patreon/Subscribestar, but I will share a bit here:
-I want the 2 "main" storylines to move forward in the coming chapters - that being Chloe and Parker. By moving forward, I mean really "moving forward". Once that happens, that opens others "possibilities" in those storylines

-I want to "complete" some side storylines, like I just did with the Wilsons. That will help streamline the chapters and focus more on the main and secondary storylines.
-I want to get to some real "naughty" parts of the secondary storylines (Vera, Hannah, Vera/Hannah/Chloe/MC, The Shaws, Parker/Felix, MC/Brody/Chloe, etc.) I've taken my time on some of those, but a lot of them are ready for the next big step.
Sorry for the long post, I was writing the script for the next Chapter thought I would post some thoughts. I've had a lot of great support throughout the 2 years I've been doing this, and I know I can never make everyone happy all the time, but I can at least strive to be consistent, to be open, and to get better at the process as I do.