Hey fellas !
I finished "Good" Bella version few days ago but forgot to post it ^^"
I'll do it after my hollydays.
I need to draw "Evil" Bella's dress.
Next will be Harry, Remus, backgrounds and sex scenes. And finally hope creating an alpha version before christmas.
I also need to talk more about the game:
1) Please... just please. Can you stop to vote only for Hermione ! T.T I need to sort the other girls too x)
2) I though about the gameplay and I've decided to make a mix between "call-girl" gameplay, Akabur-like (mainly for Rose who will be at Hogwart far of Harry for what I call Part 1) , and "quest" like in Big Brother ( for other characters ). What do you think ?
3) Should I make an option "incest-friendly" which forbide sex with Rose and Lily for whose who don't want to see their quests?
4) Should I add a bisexual option for whose who also want go taste Remus ( and Moony)
5) ⚠ All characters will be considered as mature but their ages will not be mentionned so if you want to respect the canon ages you can (legality is a funny thing ^^)
I talked about "Part 1" so let me explain how I want to devide the game creation. Part are programming stage for me (like update in Minecraft). For the story this will be the same as books in Innocent Whitches, at a certain point the story will stop and all you can do is to improve your differents relationship with characters and finish quest (which can also be done in the next part !) , you will need to accept to continue the story to meet new characters and progress in the story.
I should allow you to never need to restart a save ^^
Here's what I have planed for now. [ Part name + new characters + time period ]
No spoil except characters
Part 1 :
Bella, Lily, Rose, Remus ( Maybe Tonk and her mother)
Beetwen Harry's arrival and summer 3rd Rose's year hollydays.
Part 2 :
Hermione, Daphnee (and maybe the older poll's girls ) + 1 secret optional girl
3rd Rose's year summer hollydays
Part 3:
Rest of Hogwart's girls from the poll + Fleur ( maybe more ?)
4th Rose year and 6th Harry's year (maybe just until Christmass)
That's all folks !
Waiting your feedback and see ya in few weeks!