Range Rover lawyer in a f95zone thread protecting IPs/brand of their car. Please, respectively - read your own sentence then mine and put it in appropriate scope, and realize how retarded your sentence sounds.
1. First you are illiterate, you can't be a lawyer - sorry, at least not a decent one.
2. Lawyer, and by extension 'company suits' would not motion to sue any VN/Creator here unless it makes them money or helps them protect brand -- honestly you think a Range Rover would sue a VN creator over a custom rendered still image?
3. Viral ratio of VN, explicit marketing of third-party brand and it's presentation also preludes to misuse of company's product -- emphasis that again we are talking about non-damaging presentation in the VN.
So "self-proclaimed lawyer", before you develop schizophrenia and start introducing yourself as a police officer or something else, get of the internet man.. you porn-riddled brain got you messed up dude, you came on a pirate hub of traded porn and you are talking about copyright and trademarks? Seriously, where do you people spawn - you should be studied in a lab. Get. Any. Semblance. Of. Education.
Thank you and sorry for the long post -- you were just a "retard" too many that spilled my cup :/