
Mar 9, 2019
I really loved the gameplay. A lot of work seems to have been put into it. I look forward to the completion of this game.


Aug 7, 2019
Okay, that's really cool !

Getting some good SAO game vibes

Just... Please.... Just don't drop it !


New Member
Jul 24, 2019
how do you get at the top part in the tutorial ? i tried several times but couldn't get how to reach it


Active Member
Jul 26, 2022
Uhg.. this jump game is unbeatable to me..
Hm it was very beatable for me, just don't always sprint when charging the jump and use shift for wallrunning. Attack enemies and dash when attack is coming, not more to it.


Dec 28, 2018
So I think it looks like it's shaping up well, especially for a tech demo. The controls felt pretty tight and responsive (for the most part), movement tech is looking fine, there's the start of an almost social sim aspect to the game a la Persona. A few personal gripes/suggestions though.

1. Could we get some way to turn down/off the light bloom? Idk about anyone else, but it was so bad for me that everything was becoming slightly fuzzy around the edges due to it.

2. Add a block or some sort of deflect/parry to the RMB, and then remap the evade. Just a personal taste, but in games similar to this one's combat style (Nier Automata and MGR mostly, though I kinda lump some of Sekiro in there), having some sort of block/deflect is extremely helpful for keeping up the pace of combat, especially since the attacks in this game have what feels like some end-lag on them before allowing you to evade.

3. Wall-running. It's not bad how it is, but it feels slightly janky because, as it stands right now, jumping off doesn't reset your air-boost. Which leads to this problem that a lot of other people have when trying to get to the top platform. They don't time either the jump or the evade right, and fall short of the platform. Most games that I know of that include wall-running and then jumping (Warframe, Jedi Fallen Order, Titanfall 2, etc.) reset your double jump.

If you don't change any of these, fair enough, it is your game after all. I'm simply providing some suggestions from the outside looking in.


New Member
May 22, 2020
This really does feel like a tech demo but it feels really promising. I really only have three notes.

1. The eye enemies can shoot you through the ground on the platforms in the training room. It sucks to be punching a damage sponge only to get shot by something you can see.

2. I really like the ambition that you can date every npc but I will say that if you go down that route add a menu somewhere that acts a quick reference. Here are the characters, here is their relationship with you, and here is where they currently are.

3. Finally, the jumping is a little janky. Getting onto the pillars and platforms kind of sucks since the dash and the double jump will let you go forward a certain amount before completely killing your momentum. It also feels inconsistent. After grinding to get collectables I've found that sometimes I can run through the entire course on my first try other times I'll jump and slid off the third pillar.

The game is really fun and I love the concept. I'll be keeping an eye on it.


Oct 17, 2021
Watching this with great interest. Gonna do a playthrough later today, honestly at this point I just want 1, just 1 developer to actually fully finish an initial release. Waiting for one to actually put nose to grindstone and actually make this happen and with the potential of this one (ill post after my playthrough) hopes are high.
Just remember that an ambitious project is great, but you can always do a workable initial release then add patch update content afterwards. It doesn't need to be "Perfect."
GL Berry, Lets hope you can be the one to see a actual full game out since I have yet to see one yet. Nothing on this site has actual gameplay with decent storyline and combat mechanics. At least halfway decent ones, not-A-one. GL mate
4.30 star(s) 6 Votes