Ren'Py - Hero Party Must Fall [v0.5.1] [Nitrolith]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I got around to playing this after seeing it on the top list for a while. After playing it, I have no idea why it is ranked the way it is. It is a ok game, but is not close to the company it keeps (its currently a top 15 weighted rating). The writing is pretty good, there is a lot of grind unfortunately.

    What takes this game from a 3.5 or so to a 2 for me is that it is a pretty broken game that has a tendency to destroy saves. I encountered a bug that was apparently brought to the developer's attention in 2022 on this site. Instead of fixing the bugs players are encouraged to use the "paths" system which would mean re-doing all of the grind for whatever version you are on. Each update has quite a bit of content, so I opted to delete the game when my save broke instead of redoing scenes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Horny V

    A really nice NTR game, the main character (who do the NTR) is very likeable (to me), the art is.... very well made, the female character is very... unique. I like all of them execpt Cecille, the story is pretty dark so make sure you are fine with decapitation.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like any form of NTR this game is a masterpiece! If you don't like NTR this game is probably not for you, but you can still probably enjoy it if you're not a triggered baby like the boy hero is. Thank you so much dev for making this incredible game , it will stuck with me for a while i'm sure of it. Looking foward to see you developing more gems like this!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I was disappointed with this adventure.. I can appreciate a story and maybe it gets better but so much of this game is just endless yammering on. I get it, you're slowly falling for Mr. NTRman. Do we need to reiterate it 15 times before I can progress to the next lewd animation. I managed to get the first girl's progress bar maxed out and the game warned me not to go ahead without viewing the remaining pillow talk segments. It just kept going for like a half hour or more of them lying in bed and talking.

    I really don't mind a game focusing more on a story. That's great, but nothing here so far has been original at all. The girl is slowly realizing that the evil NTRman is actually quite sweet and nicer than her boyfriend. All while you're constantly reminded through Mr. NTRman's inner thoughts that he is in fact evil and may have regrets about being evil or may not. I just ended up fast forwarding through the dialogue towards the end. Then when I am finally done with all the pillow talk and ready to move onto actual sex, another girl shows up and I have to work on her first. Now I am back to square one of endless pillow talk segments while these two characters pretend not to like each other. I think I played for around an hour and a half and still no penetration or sex yet. I did not enjoy this game at all the more I think about it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Unbelievable. This is someone that understands relationships, sex and its relation to power and how it all comes together.

    This may as well be text based, it is THAT good. The Dev is a writer first. The characters are alive and unique, not just a vessel for porn scenes. They feel real and unique and the writing leads them into places that challenges their morality in a way few games or books do.

    This is exactly what I have been looking for when I came here... before I became numbed by the million of crappy college harem games.

    If you want a story about real people and sex scenes that have meaning in the context of the story, you can't miss this.

    It's stellar.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is strange, very strange. I tend to stay away from games where you play as a villain, or you're a bad guy, and I tend to favor romance and love stories, but this is a game where you play as a villain and with a heavy focus on cheating.

    However the plot really hooks you in, and draws you forward. The main character is a villain because of circumstances, and he doesn't really enjoy it, he even laments that in another life he'd be a mentor to the hero and enjoy helping him become a great man. Similarly the hero is an insufferable twat, but that's a matter of circumstances, and in another game you could absolutely see him blossoming into a good person.

    What ends up happening is this game makes you feel like an utter bastard, but it directs your anger towards the people forcing you into this situation, which, I'm hoping will have a satisfying ending where you get revenge and make the end justify the means.

    As for the sex, well, it's very good, there's a lot of it, and it varies considerably in tone and kinks, but the through line is good art, and good writing, I'm not a huge fan of the whole trainer thing in general, but it makes sense thematically, so, what can you do.

    All in all, I can't say I enjoyed this game, because it makes me feel like scum, but the story was enthralling, the sex was hot, and the characters well written, and that's worth five stars.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've had the pleasure of playing. Full stop.

    The story is very compelling and the characters draw you in with the contradictions within themselves. The gameplay loop is rewarding and both the gameplay and the scenes are top tier
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Porn is pretty good and the pacing is pretty brisk but that one bug that i keep loosing progress on got me to stop playing it. Also the mechanics are a little funky and grindy so every time you loose your progress it's pretty annoying. I guess give it a whirl and save often. At least after every night session.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It’s hard for me to evaluate the plot of such games, but this particular game, with its combination of artwork and writing, has taken a special place in my heart.
    Literally one of the cases where the expression “stayed for the sake of the plot” is true, I will be following with pleasure the development of this particular work
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best eroge games I've ever played. The story is good, the H-Scenes are also nice, but the character writing...

    The characters are so evil towards themselves and one another. It's destructive. But it's also very grounded,. So grounded in fact, a lot of the characterizations and development most likely isn't far off from real humans. That's why its also so good. Each characters development sinks them further and further into depravity, but at the same time, it feels like they get closer to themselves as their own character. To break free of the current situation and to make the most of it. It's actually amazing.

    There is real, human, darkness in these characters. And I think that's exactly why I like them so much. Because as good and hopeful and holy and non-sinful humans can be, there's always that other side that not many people like to look at. And even within these characters darkness, you can see, there's a light at the end for these characters. Very far light. Hope in the darkness that they're willingly succumbing to just to find it. And they go deeper and deeper to obtain it.

    I had a tough time putting this into words. But the characters left such an amazing impression on me. It gives me inspiration for my own characters in my own game, one day.

    I can't wait to read even more.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, expected for this game to be like the other netori games where the protagonist just steal girls and that's it. But this has an interesting story and lore. The characters are all interesting. I't be nice for more side characters to be added into the game. As of 0.4.9 the mini games are not implemented completely yet but it look fun to play when they are. This is becoming one of my favorite games that I would keep on my computer even after I finished it. 5 stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never ever in my life being so invested in a "porn" vn but this game story is just really amazing, the plot doesn't fail to surprise me even after hours of constant playing.
    My only complain would be the art but imo it grows on you with some time.
    My congratulations to the dev for creating this amazing story and do yourself a favor and play this game without checking spoilers because it is really that worth it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Posted this in the thread proper, but figured that it'll probably reach more people and/or the dev in the review section, so cloning it here! Sorry if that breaks a rule or something, I'll take down one or both if so.

    This is my first time leaving a comment or review on this site, but this game has really stuck with me and I think it truly deserves it. I wanted to try and give my praises to what I liked about it, as well as my feedback (and a few selfish personal wishes lmao) for potential inclusions. Sorry for the incoming wall of text, you have been warned.

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    Anyways, to try and form a coherent conclusion from that mess, I absolutely adore this game and I wish nothing but the best for the creator and anything they do from here on out. All I truly ask for is a bit more clarity and cohesion for the gameplay, and that the story side could stand to be a whole lot gayer, and maybe a bit of optional wholesomeness to compliment the darkness. I hope this is helpful feedback, and I’d be happy to answer any replies from the dev to clarify further about both gameplay and plot stuff if that’s not too presumptuous of me. Highly recommend this to anyone who hasn’t tried it out yet, I highly doubt you’ll be disappointed.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I never expected to be this invested into the story and characters of an adult game but Hero Party Must Fall managed to capture me.
    On the surface it might sound just like a typical "Stealing the protagonist girlfriend and make her mine" and be done kind of game, however there is more than that.

    Throughout the game, which is still in development while writing this review, I grew attached to the characters because of how each of them acted in different situation and how much they grew or changed.
    The story keeps me interested and I am looking forward to what is going to happen next.

    Because this game is still in development there a lot of things that could be improved. For example there is no background music in the overworld or the climax and orgasm sound is the same for every character. These flaws are not game breaking but definitly something that could improve the feelings of the game.

    I had a great time playing this for over 17+ hours and will continue to look forward to what this game has planned for the future.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is tearing me apart. I have trouble falling asleep and getting up the next day after playing.
    First of all. I needed 4-5 tries to finally stay with this game. I already downloaded it 1 year ago, but always ended up uninstalling for not knowing that to do and its.. "bad art". After finally understand how the game works and getting usind to the art, i stayed longer this time... and boi was i in for a trip.
    The writing and pacing for this game is phenomenal. Its the 2nd corruption, slow burn game that I really enjoy so far and i have been readign and playing a lot in the last 2 years since i found this site.
    I love half of the cast. the mc obivously, the priest heroine and the milf heroine character (im trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible) dont get me wrong the other characters are well written, but i just dont like the lewd themes they are representing.
    The priest character was a bliss to corrupt and im digging her body, but.. the milf character was/is the highlight of the game for me. she is the hottest out of them all and breaking her was the most serious challenge i have faced in a game or doujinshi so far... a masterpiece of a mother character.. even tho im not a big fan of the toys and.. accessories she had later on.. but w/e

    The early parts until "rebirth" of the milf character and a bit after that are top tier for me. but like I already said after continueing playing... the themes and genres that are explored me, started to actually.. scare me. I had serious trouble sleeping and was thinking a lot about the things that i read after closing the game.
    Dont get me wrong, I love Netori, corruption, blackmail games to death, but... boy.. i think this actually scarred me a bit.. im probably just still a bit too vanilla for those things. Piercings and bondages are a serious turn off for me, BUT it was still toleratable, because I know that those are also markings of possessivness, which are also a important part in this game.
    The problematic themes piled up after that.. *sigh*
    The hero party must fall is a really well written, fantastically crafted and hot game. The dev is also very helpful whenenver someone needs help. (in his discord)
    What else is there to say.. ah yes, the art. After you get used to it, its actually one of the hottest arts out there. The animations are so seriously lewd, that i was constantly excited and had to seriously held back relieving myself while playing, because I wanted to continue its story.
    The animations for the mouth, tongue, fingers are so lewd already in the early parts that i instantly got hooked.
    The art is changing sometimes. At one point it was really.. lacking for me, that i serious trouble recognizing the characters if i wasnt actually reading the plot or seeing their names on the dialogue box. But at some point it changes again and looks muuuuch better and the animations also improve a loooot.

    Personally I like the world and would love for the characters to engage in less.. darker themed lewd acts, but I guess thats just what the game is... the more you progress, the deeper you have to fall..

    To be honest, I would like to give it a 3*, because of so many themes and fetishes that leave me a bitter aftertaste playing. But because the lewd scenes that are up to my tastes were seriously sexy and enjoyable as hell, because of its great writing, having great animations and soundtracks - its still one of the best corruption/slow burn games that I have played.
    - For the game it is trying to be, the executions deserves a 5* rating.
    So unfortunately its a 4* only from me.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't know man. The hype around this title and content where you cuck someone else sounded right up my alley, but this title is just too banal for me. I think the art is decent, but it's not that great which would leave setting, pace, dialogue etc. to make up for it.

    To me this game ends up with too much yapping, and suffers from a strange pacing problem imo. - If you really like anime style dialogue, like every possible fetish on the doujin fetish list, and have a power fantasy then i guess this game is for you. To me neither the art, writing, pacing, or "gameplay" stands out.

    So ultimately imo it becomes a very long and mediocore porn movie. I guess sorta akin to watching Pirates/ any other long ass porn movie. Is anything out of the ordinary? Not really, but there's "alot" of it, and i think that's mainly why it's popular. The most average nsfw game i have ever played.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. The art and animations are top tier. Love the slow burn of depravity that the MC makes the heroines go through. The writing itself is phenomenal, each character feels unique and alive, at one point I was playing just for the story. Definitely a must play.

    Hoping for some Erin sissification updates in the future. :HideThePain:
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    best porn game story i've read so far :BootyTime:
    some sex scene are weird for me, but still good
    erin related content & twintail blonde content are just not for me, sorry :WutFace:
    hope the overall art could be improved tho
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok this may be the best hgame i've ever played.

    Art is sogood, hscenes are hot af.
    Game mechanics like the dungeon are not finished by the time i post this but i hope they remain simple and not introducing a grinding factor to the game.
    Character development are something else too, the priestess, the queen, the MC. (the only one i didnt like is the short blondie)

    And the plot... oh boi the plot which is obviously related to the development of characters but i srsly think this could be a book and i would buy it (i dont know if this game is based on a book, manga or something now that i think of, cause its just so well written). Anyways i dont want to spoil anything.

    Oh and i havent even finished it yet i just needed to rate 5 stars right now.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the BEST porn game I have played. this is the only one that the actual story kept me more invested than the porn. and don't get me wrong, the porn is great, like top 3 on this entire site, but the story is engaging, and the main character is so well written for a porn game. easy 5/5, and the best porn game I have played by a LOT. the only bad thing is it isn't finished...