Great game in the sense that the art and sexuality here is top notch, I really like the dialogue. The art windows with the animation is gorgeous, super erotic and fun. I love your close-up of Cecille's face. It's hard for me to gush about good things because it's like, well, it's great. Gorgeous.
I actually quite enjoy the story and how you've drawn out Mars. He looks actually quite handsome, especially built for being a mage. I like this aspect of the hero trying to do this childish thing, which to most people his age might actually be cute or endearing, but to some more mature woman like Cecille, who's been through a lot and is actually quite hardened by time, it reeks of manchildish vibes. Ugh and then he develops into a god complex! What a dick and actually, what a misogynist (I know!). But honestly, I almost feel kinda bad for the guy, he seems much younger than the rest of the party, and it shows. Vi is right, you have to be raised a certain way to end up like that. I also think it's very interesting that Mars as a magic user can tell that Cecille is truly using a lot of mana, taking so many hits for him. Little things you do i think are quite meaningful.
I think this game could really use a UI update though, it's hard to tell where I'm at with Cecille, hard to know what works or not, or what her thoughts mean in the 'arousal' or 'anger' meters. I am not sure what the pink next to my stamina bar means, or her stamina bar. To some degree, I like this, because it forces me to experiment and it's genuinely fun to do so. The issue is that I literally cannot tell what Cecille's affection is, I forget what the bars mean during the training, I don't know what my affection with anyone is, and I see Cecille's affection once a day. It's just hard to tell how well I should be balancing the affection versus the curse, because it only seems to become a problem like, when I'm about to get the curse broken... or is that the natural progression of the game?
Sometimes, when I play through the demo, it feels listless, like I'm going through the motions and things simply seem to happen around me, or despite me as the player (not Mars, the character). I think something important will be to show how the player's actions are impacting Cecille, the cutscenes do that well, but having them tied more to simple markers in affection that people can grasp as like, a turning point, will help people grasp the gradualness of the changing dynamic and also that they are the ones doing so.
I'm very excited to watch this game update! Great job.