For things that aren't critique but just wishes, more armor on Warlord? I think he'd look cooler with a full set and sword please. Mace is awesome but swords are great
I've got my own style of writing and you will see that come out as the game progresses. I recognize one of the main values of an adult game is not just making a sex scene, but making an interesting sex scene with context, set up and power-play between the participants. You'll see how that goes.
There won't be much armor in the game for the MC or the main female characters. Leather and a few plates is the best you will get for the MC. Most of the armor in this world will be reserved for the magical residents of the Sidhes, the Formorians and the Romans. The western Celts traditionally did not wear armor and sometimes even went into battle naked. Major pieces of armor that they did use were helmets and large shields, although some also credit the Celts with making chainmail.
This dev games always encourage us to be our inner villain.
The evil characters gets all the girl
I'm trying to add another dimension in this game with the Champion path which is straight-up a good guy. It's actually been fun to make this path.
but an option to use the original or phonetic spellings might be worthwhile. I don't know if it's as simple as saying "replace all Muy Tura with Maige Tured" or if you'd have to do a $name_muy kind of thing every time someone says a name, though, which I imagine could break the flow of your writing.
Celtica is a fictional world informed and inspired by the Celtic myths. Whatever spelling is in the game is the "correct" spelling for that fantasy realm and the player is (hopefully) immersed into that realm. I will leave real spelling and discussion to the message boards.
Do you plan to make this as heavily branched as SI, with small to moderate length routes, or will it have a longer story?
There are four long stories for Champion, Bard, Druid and Warlord. There are major story beats that happen in each path, but the player can choose how that beat is arrived at through choices they make as they play, like which female characters they prefer. Also, there will be different endings for each route, based on the choices you made. It will be impossible to unlock all scenes for each path on a single playthrough - if players want that, they would need to play multiple times and make different choices. That's what makes this a GAME to me -> you choose path A then you won't see or have the consequences of path B. Otherwise, it's just a kinetic novel.
Maybe writing this way will help endear not only Celtic mythos but Celtic language to English speakers.
Maybe it was just my ignorance, but I'm surprised just how unknown the Welsh and Irish mythology is to the average player. They may know a few of the names (probably because these characters are adapted into Japanese games like FATE STAY), but that is about it. Of all the Irish Cycles, I think the Ulster Cycle is my favorite - so many great characters and interconnections between the stories with the Táin Bó Cúailnge (Cattle Raid of Cooley) as the centerpiece. In terms of female characters, I think Rhiannon from the Welsh Mabinogion is a stand-out when we are not talking about The Morrigan.