Recommending High Quality HS2 Games (Custom Animations and Models.)


Aug 31, 2021
This is a VERY bare-bones list as I haven't personally run into many good HS2 (animation-wise at least).
As always, feel free to recommend games you think qualify, and I will take forever to actually check them out.

Male Protagonist:
2.Twisted Memories
3.The Sin Within[Unique Models]

Female Protagonist:
I don't play these... so someone else is going to have to help fill this section out.

1. It must be made using HS2.
2. The HS2 models must be custom-made by the devs.
3. All models must be original characters (No anime/parody characters).
4. The game must contain animations.
5. All animations must be made by the devs (no default HS2 animations).
6. The models and animations must be of high quality.

I will add more as I find them, or as they are recommended.
The story doesn't exactly matter... but if it's unplayable, it won't make this list.
Games that use stolen custom models from other games will not be on this list either.
I am willing to break qualification #3 if you can prove the dev made the models.
The pros and cons are based on my personal preferences.
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