1. Not sure yet... but biside here looks... she'll will be a interesting person (future development)Hmmmm, the art gives me strange vibes, but not in bad way, I kinda liked it. I really liked the logo as well, gives me the impression that the person really put effort into it... but idn, maybe I'm just weird for thinking this
Gonna give it a try, just wanna ask three questions to the dev:
1. The granny's gonna be looking like a hot or a hag?
2. Regardless the first question, there's gonna have incest? (I don't see the tag)
3. Can we change the MC's name or will he be called Andy anyway?
Thanks in advance and good luck with your game!
2. Yes, it will eventually
3. You should be able to choose the name you want at the beginning of the story, Andy is just its default name