VN - Ren'Py - Hillside [v0.15.1] [DarkBlue]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Edit for v0.4:

    This visual novel is actually really good. The renders are very nice and there are some complex characters introduced. They feel very natural and their personalities shine through. I have come to feel something for the characters and it's such a hard thing to make people love your characters as a writer. This game succeeds in that regard.

    The story is very engaging and there's a clear "mystery" that keeps you wondering. The latest update was quite sizeable in length and I was very impressed with it. I can comfortably say this isn't a game to sleep on.

    I changed my rating from a 3.5 to a 5. I genuinely think this game is going places. Check it out.


    Edit for v0.2:

    This is a game I will look forward to playing. There isn't much content just yet but most likely we will begin the main plot line of the story in the next update. I like all of the women/girls we have met so far so I think this one could be interesting. The renders are very clean and crisp as well.

    Keep an eye on it and try it in the future. Has a lot of potential.



    Bah, really could have used more than 5 or 10 minutes for a first version. Hard to get an actual idea of how I will like this game.

    The premise isn't unique by any means but certainly can make for an interesting game, from what little we have seen, we have a bit of an inexperienced and naive daughter and an overbearing mother. I'd guess there may be 2-3 LIs unless new people we haven't heard of yet get introduced.

    The renders are pretty nice but the models don't seem to be unique. This is alright though as I found them gorgeous. From the small scene with the MC he seems mature which I'd much rather prefer over the eager horndog MCs we often see.

    For a first version this definitely is better than most of the stuff I find on here and I'd say this has potential to be very good. That being said, me finishing this version in 5 minutes is pretty disappointing. Recommendation: put this on your watch list, keep an eye on it and try it out in half a year. With what I've seen so far this game has a promising future and hopefully with some support the developer can pump out some good content within a reasonable timeline.

    Conclusion: solid 3.5. Hard to give it any higher because of how little there is. Good start otherwise.