broken muscle and blood prevents seeing it with ultrascan.
If the cause of thrombosis was contusion of soft tissue of the leg - doctor was able to diagnose and stabilized the patient easily. In that case, there is deeper problem, than that. If docs get carefully anamnesis morbi et anamnesis vitae, all examinations protocols - it's a half of the victory.
The pathogenesis of trombosis are:
1. Inflammation (post-infective, post-traumatical, post-injuection, immune-allergical)
2. Venous congestion (varicose veins, extra- or intravenous compression)
3. Damaged hemostasis system (cancer of gaster/pancreas/intestine, liver disease, metabolic diseases).
So, it's really complicated to diagnose at once, but docs will keep an eye on their patient carefully during 3 months and, if it needs, giving to him/her double anticoagulation therapy (Acidum acetylsalicylicum 0,25 g and a low molecular weight heparin).
Operation do in the cause of potential risk of a lung artery thrombembolia. So, if operation didn't need, it's a good outcome for sure.