Yeah, that's really inexplicable. She has already acted irrationally and unreasonably, as in the scene with Carter, but this can be explained by her traumatic experience and panic. But everything about men always made her very cautious and suspicious, and when it came to her little daughter, she immediately fell into overprotective overload. And all of a sudden she's like, "Oh baby, you're going to a party full of horny young people and there's going to be that super popular young stud, one of this rich and spoiled ones I've had to deal with all my life, and because of them I almost have a panic attack every time a man approaches me. Ahh, and this stud is your first real crush, and you are so inexperienced and blind of love. Hmm, sweetheat, let me think, what could possibly go wrong? Well, it's good for you to socialize with your friends, so don't be too late." Socialize with friends, my ass. What was that, too much alcohol?