Interesting concept, as has been stated previously a map would be nice, maybe even in the form of the marauder's map as an item would be nice. I've been trying to find the 4th floor girls bathroom forever now it seems like. As far as navigation, the Astronomy tower will always get you back home, and it's easy to visit Ginny's shop once you know where it is.
Other Issues.: Finding galleons in the chests does not register in your inventory. I had 5g left and found something like 250g in chests and my 5g never changed.
Alchemy ingredients: Probably because it's not fully implemented, but I've been scouring the dark forest for a while now, and I'm still shy of several ingredients. Sending Sophie out to the common grounds should yield more common with a chance of rarer ingredients. I've only gotten 1 cat hair in several searches, and no girl hair at all. Can Sanders not see ingredients without Sophie?
Maybe add a chance for ingredients if I can remember where Slughorn's office is again. The chests respawning is good, I've managed to farm 2 lust, 1 invis, and a breathing potion from them along with various gifts, and of course the currently useless galleons.
Other then that I've enjoyed the game. I was a bit hesitant at first when I read all the comments about the map, and I can feel the posters pain, but you can navigate it, but opening some shortcuts up, would certainly help, even if in the form of a cheat.
Keep up the good work.
Edit: I just had Sophie use the breathing potion for the Lake, and she came back with 1 Rueri Weed, I think we need more returns on sending Sophie out for potions.
Game freezes when I summon Alice after her rough sex talk.