I am well aware of how selecting the plane girl works. My point in my post is that my plane girl when I started this game years ago was none of the ones who currently have an achievement for it and that I am not going to restart the game I've sunk years into just to get the achievements.
My disappointment is in achievements later in the game now being linked to what the plane girl choice was.
If memory serves (because this is how I did it a version or two back), yes you have to re-start but you DO NOT have to replay the entire game over. REPEAT...you DO NOT have to replay the entire game over. Maybe
darkhound1 or one of the other OGs can confirm this w/the new version, but I pulled this "plane girl achievements" fix from somewhere in this fine thread.
Here's what I did:
1. Make CURRENT save in latest version.
2. Quit game.
3. Start new game.
4. When prompted, select "new" plane girl whose achievements you seek.
5. Play through the required plane and arrival sequences.
6. Once the "new" achievements appear in your phone, quit game.
7. Re-launch game and load CURRENT save.
8. Seems counter intuitive but unless something has changed w/new version, your NEW plane girl achievements should show up on your phone.
I think I started w/Yvette as my original plane girl and this is how I added ALL the missing plane girl achievements. Again, not sure how this older "fix" dove tails/responds w/the new version and content but it worked for me w/no issues.