I have a technical question - primarily for Darkhound1 or anyone here who has some knowledge regarding the "under-the-hood nuts and bolts" of Holiday Island: Is there a way to get/extract a listing of all of the appointments/events/scenes for all of the "island" and "special" ladies in the game, short of opening up the phone in-game, looking at the description of each of these individually, and relying on my Dory-like memory in order to manually type each of them into a text file?
I am working on a project to create an external listing of all of the appointments/events/scenes in text file format and sortable/filterable spreadsheet (Excel) table format, both of which I will be happy to share here when I have completed my project. I believe this will be very useful, particularly at times when the in-game phone isn't available. I have started this process the hard/manual way mentioned above, but besides being a very daunting and time-consuming task, it doesn't seem very efficient when there is almost certainly a way to extract or copy and paste this information for my project. It will also make it easier to update my "achievements" project when the upcoming (and subsequent) update(s) come out.
Thanks in advance to Darkhound1 and/or anyone else who can help me out with this.