I have fixed the first one.
The second is not really a bug. That's what the "New" icon is for. Everything that hasn't been replied to in time will stay in "Not replied".
I could change the behavior to no longer show messages that cannot be replied to any more, because they are in the past. But you would lose information with this logic. I'll think about it. Opinions are welcome.
Thank you for the reply, DH.
Regarding the SMS, it's not so much to make the
message "go away", more of some way to remove the "New" badge from the "Not Replied" and "All" filters. When I see that I think I have something to respond to, which in this case I do not. Maybe it's me being 'completionalistically' anal. If it's not easy, then cool. There's better things to work on (like anything new!).
However, since you asked:
1) Add an additional state to messages (Ignored, or maybe Expired?), where the new state clears the badge. Maybe this could just use the same logic as whatever marks the message "You did not answer in time"?
2) Have the badges represent "Unread" instead of "Un-replied".
3) A separate badge for "New" vs. "Un-replied".
4) A Fourth category to represent 'Expired' messages, which is never badged (you should've paid attention to your ladies earlier!).
I'm not sure 4 is really viable though, as it would still need additional 'stuff' to make sure the "All" filter does not get a badge.