@op add to change log
New features and content
New features and content
- New information for appointments and new messages at the lower right side of the screen --> part of content addon 2
- Ivy gets the breast bump event also for her skimpy bikini. This time with some nice additional extras. --> part of content addon 2
- Masturbation has been improved. You can dream/think about a girl while doing what you do
--> part of content addon 2
- Aly gets the walk on the beach scene including looking at her cleavage --> part of contentaddon 2
- "Easter egg" reception bell added --> part of content addon 2
- Jennifer gets an appointment with the player in her room --> part of content addon 2
- All girls (including Joy, Jennifer and the ones not currently on the island) are displayed on the phone in the contacts app as well as the interactions/progress app --> part of content addon 2
- You can view the available and used sexting message types for each girl in the progress and interactions app (right now Amy, Alice, Jessica and Yvette have sexting messages) --> partof content addon 2
- Sexting images can be used as contact images --> part of content addon 2
- New message type "sexting" with attached image --> part of content addon 2
- An small event for 48h “no ejaculation” has been added. Visit the doctor when you get the message --> part of content addon 2
- You can display the progress images and the sexting images on the phone in bigger size in landscape format --> part of content addon 2
- Jessica gets her weight lifting scene --> part of content addon 2
- Possibility to change jobs (doctor, receptionist early/late, maid) for the girls has been added. Will be triggered on day 7 (or later) with another letter. --> part of content addon 2
- Fixed some spelling and grammar mistakes. --> part of content addon 2
- Game version has been added as a variable. This will be used to determine necessary updates and possibility of reusing older saves. --> part of content addon 2
- Messages can be filtered by girl now and you can switch message pages --> part of content addon 2
- Girls can reappear as doctor, receptionist, room service, masseuse, even though you've send them home. --> will be fixed with content addon 2
- very rare crash at 7:00 when the "breast bump event" check is executed --> will be fixed with content addon 2
- crash at the showe scene with Alice (room 55) when Amy is not on the island --> will be fixed with content addon 2