My first thought seeing her two pictures is, what a superb demonstration of skill
However, that first thought is immediately followed by a second, that while the skill is supreme, I do actually not like her that much either.
- Would love to see some of older generation "one" in the game have renders added at that level
- Would feel better with her replacing a plain generation "one" (looking at you Delizia) than being added.
But her, specifically, I am not interested in when it comes down to choice. And certainly not as an addition, when considering she'd take time from the waiting others.
But ok. Luxury position to some degree. Choosing between good, greater or even better. Expressing a preference here.
Of course, If she turned out to be popular and brings in more patreons I'd feel differently, good for the game, good for all, so though my preference is for Olivia (not in game) types, it would be a good trade for me too.
It will be a vote on Patreon (for 10$ patreons).
(hope one day a vote will come around to adding Olivia /wink to a game of Darkhounds
