I think there are some misconceptions about the game.
There are no puzzles in this game. Zero, none, nada.
The game is anything but a kinetic novel.
There is no need to constantly or even very often check the girls stats. There are very few events or achievments that require low stats of whatever attribute. And if I say very few, it's in the < 1% area of all achievements. And in those cases it "should" be explained in the hints of the achievements (unless I forgot it).
During a scene/event/appointment you always see when a stat check fails. So you know there is more that you missed due to a check. If you don't want to play it again, you can always just scroll back, use the companion mod to increase the stat and continue.
Since the game is mainly non linear, there is no way around certain checks that make sure that things stay consistent throughout the game and B) cannot happen before A). Every non linear game has to do it.
Most scenes are not complictaed to get. But it's a game and not a VN. So you need to play to make things happen.
There is no need to grind stats. Not any more. You need to do some more or less still mindless and sensless talking and kissing in the very beginning of the relation with each girl. But compared to the other scenes and gameplay in total it is very minor.
If you don't like or want to do that, you can use the companion mod to just cheat the stats.
Everyone who thinks that grinding and/or achievement hunting is needed should change the way he/she plays the game.
Just play along and most things will just happen.
If you have only a minority of open achievements left, then you can start hunting for specific things.
When you do it right from the start, all it does is ruin your game play experience. And it's not the game doing it to you, you're doing it yourself.
Is the game perfect? Most certainly not. Far from it. But I try to make it more user friendly and less grindy with every new release.
The future game will always be a sandbox game at it's core, but with VN scenes in between.
About new locations...
The lab will not be turned into a sandbox area like the other parts of the resort. But you will be able to visit certain areas of the lab by yourself. Meaning without the trigger of an injury or a medical check.
But since there are basically only two people at the lab (Daniela and Sara), the mechanics have to be different.
There is also no need to have the girls just stand in front of a background where you can click them.
The sailboat will always be a VN area, but with choices in the future. Meaning there will be more sailboat trips.
Joy's yacht - I don't really know yet how the format of this area will be done.
One thing is sure though. It will not be another Island sandbox that takes place on a yacht.
But I also don't want to have a huge VN area, because this is just not my style and wouldn#t be Holiday Island any more.
It will be tricky to make it work and it's one of the important decissions I have to make for the future of the game.
A lot of things have to be considered. Here are some examples:
- How many girls will be on the yacht?
- Will some island girls be able to visit the yacht and which ones?
- On one hand, I like to have the girls wear different clothes. But on the other hand, I will definitely not repeat the mistake of having to render everything several times. So a solution has to be found for this problem.
- How to "move" the MC between the yacht and the island without having to go through a lenghty sailboat trip all the time?
- Will the girls be able to move around freely on the yacht? This might sound like a simple question with an obvious answer: Yes of course! But it's not. When everyone can be anywhere this leads to permutation problems. Imagine 8 girls with 5 locations. That's hundreds of combinations that can occcur and that have to be rendered. An impossible task.
The restaurant area tries to work around giving everyone a fix spot. But seats at a table is relatively easy to do. A deck on a yacht where you see sun loungers, a pool, a bar (in one render) is much more complicated. I cannot very well have one girl always playing in the pool, while another one is always drinking at the bar.
- Will the yacht be a game part that you can play by itself? Without the Island?
No worries, I don't plan to make it the other way round too. You will be able to access the yacht from Holiday Island, but it might be possible to have the yacht as a stand alone game as well.