
May 31, 2017
How can I use the girls name in the cheat? I mean the space between the first and sur name?


New Member
Apr 8, 2018
@Mr_James where have I to Paste this Code?
Could not paste in console window (CTRL+V, or right mouse button) :(
In what file do I paste the code you provided?
# Ren'Py automatically loads all script files ending with .rpy. To use this
# file, define a label and jump to it from another file.

init python:
    def maxall():
        girls = [alice, aly, amy, brenda, delizia, desire, eva, faye, heather, ivy, jennifer, jessica, joy, lacey, natasha, renee, yvette]
        player.endurance = 100
        player.company_favor = 500
        for girl in girls:
            girl.rsm[0].affection_max = 100
            girl.rsm[0].affection = 100
            girl.rsm[0].love_max = 100
            girl.rsm[0].love = 100
            girl.rsm[0].favor = 100
            girl.rsm[0].anger = 0
            girl.lust = 100

            # Remove the `#` to enable the below cheats
            #girl.poker_skill = 0
            #girl.monitoring_sub_dermal_hacked = True

Add this into a new file named cheat.rpy in the game folder and you can run maxall() whenever you want from the console. More over, you can modify things stuff like sub dermal hacking and poker skill etc which I commented out.

Uwe Furtmustal

Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
also because lacey is the only one besides joy that doesn't have overgrown tits.
Joy doesn't have overgrown tits? :D What game did u play? :D Check it again. Girls with normal, not giant boobs, are Lacey, Renée & Delizia ... and Brenda maybe ... but surely not Joy :)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
Interesting to see the focus girl vote develop and reflect the patreons preferences and choices.
Again the Patreon systems allowances of moving a vote making itself felt.

The minority choice is left behind almost immediately (within the first few hours or so) reflecting the comparable low ceiling of support it has and the Patreons overwhelming support for another direction and choice.

The others continue to rise to multiples of the minority choice until the next hits the cap and stalls. The situation then being two favorites slugging it out with the third favorite lagging and a forth left far behind.

This in turns kicks of 3 effects.

- Dead votes
- Cannibalization
- Band wagon effect

Dead votes
The 4rd choice, the minority choice, essentially become "dead votes" or" making a show of support". They have nowhere to go and even if they had, would be to girls of the same segment also facing defeat. So they simply stay where they are and perhaps pick up some "show of support" votes too add to their total.

The 3rd favorite starts to shrink rapidly due Cannibalization.

The 3rd favorite's voters still have choices they like in the two leading favorites, who both belong to the same preference and segment. So contrary to the 4rd minority choice, they now migrate to 1rd and 2nd leaving only a small remainder behind (that have either not noticed or dont care) essentially a white dwarf after the collapse of a sun.

This depresses the 3rd favorite to a level at or below the 4rd choice.

Ironically giving the impression that she is less popular or equally so with the 4rd choice, when she is in fact much more popular and would beat the 4rd choice in a contest.

The one of the favorites in front begins to get BandWagon votes. That is, votes that goes to her because it seems others vote for her and it looks like she is winning (and humans being as they are, like to be on the winning side).

Who wins?

After some time, the 1st and 2nd contest essentially coming down and being decided by if the Cannibalization voters go to 1st favorite, 2nd favorite or is split between them.

What does it say of the patreons
Well. They really like their girls of a certain sort and vote accordingly. Thus handing out huge victories to that segment when a vote comes up.

Disclaimer : No names due to ongoing vote. And other interpretations/speculation welcome on the way the vote has developed over the two days so far. @darkhound1 if you think this is too spoiler, let me know, I'll edit/delete it of course.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017
@duckswimming - interesting things you are writing.
I agree with you on most of the points. With one small exception. The distinction between 3rd and 4th. When it's very obvious that one of two options will win early on, there is not really a distinction between 3rd and 4th. Both get cannibalized or turn into dead votes. I think that only if the third has any chance left to become second and so maybe first in the end, you will have that distinction.
But apart from that, really very interesting post :)


Satan's soul
Aug 11, 2016
How am I supposed to get more blue pills?

Also, none of the training seems to increase my stats.
Stats have a cap at them, I am not to sure how after the character creation you can see what those stats are, but at character creation you can pick one of 5 traits behind them it says (max X) it's a maximum of 5 for example for hacking i believe.

Regarding Blue pills. Fap normally with empty vials in your room when your at high lust, then deliver those normal filled sperm vials to the Doctor, after each 3 vials you get rewarded with 1 blue pill.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017
How to get the Lacey workout scene? she is max in all stats and ive tried all 3 outfits for her, but no option to workout with her, when I click show actions in the gym with her :/

and it's the same at the bar at night with her, I can only play poker with her :/ whats wrong?
Either you didn't download the update to or you installed it the wrong way.
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4.00 star(s) 238 Votes