Hi guys, just wanted to drop a note after not writing much the last weeks
I know that it's a relatively long time since the last update (considering my normal frequency of updates).
But the next update will be huge and I have been on vacation for almost 3 weeks, where nothing has been added or done for the game.
In addition work is crazy right now. Almost always the same after longer holidays. So much left undone and piling up now.
As you can see in the development news that
@Bantry posts here on F95 also regularly. Right now there are still lots of scenes unfinished. I want to give you some more details about the progress on the open points and how far they are done at the moment.
- Eva gets the lapdance poker reward scene:
Most of the renders are done, zero writing has been done. I still plan on adding the scene to 0.1.2
- Eva gets a reward appointment, she visits you in your room:
Only a hand full of renders have been done, zero writing and coding to add the scene has been done.
I will probably not include this scene in 0.1.2 and release it later.
- Heather gets a very long pole dance scene with possibility to go upstairs:
Rendering and writing is almost finished. Needs some polishing and maybe 3 or 4 additinal renders. The phone app date when you have seen the event has to be added/created.
- Eva gets a random event in a new location (hotel elevator):
Rendering and writing is almost finished. Needs be integrated into the game and the phone app date when you have seen the event has to be added/created. Might need some additional renders. I decide that when I do another play through of the scene.
All in all for the three points still to be done, I estimate it to be between 20 and 30 hours of work.
After that testing needs to be done on everything I've added to 0.1.2 - don't know how long that's gonna take exactly.
I hope to be able to release it still in september. But I cannot promise it right now.