I was just asking a question dude jeez. does it not makes sense to inquire about something you know nothing about? A simple yes or no would have sufficed... There's no need to be a dickhead about it.
Jumping into a thread with a "is it worth it" is bound to attract some attention.
Could be honest question, could be troll or bait, either way, bound to be controversial nowadays where it has been used to death for all 3 purposes.
Also at page 295, people are going to assume the latter two or a very lazy version of the prior.
So you are 50/50 in for some flak and maybe an answer or two also.
Should not be any major surprise.
What adds to the intensity of said flak is that,
(1) Common sense, in as so far as that is available on the internet as such, would indicate that game is probably worth "something" given the sheer size of the thread here, number of views etc and of course most critical, the patreon page (age, content, posts, patreon number, delivery intervals etc).
(2) A bit of searching would also reveal that it is one of the more popular games around, especially within its niche (busty, vanilla, rendered)
(3) That there is a expectation here that one uses search, read and learns before asking things that should be rather obvious.
(4) And of course, not bothering downloading and trying a free game (on mega, so fast to do) is probably not going to be a winning position any time soon.
So all in all, the incoming flak will be somewhat above average as all of the above involves painting crosshairs on forehead and turning on a neon sign (direction arrow included) saying "open season, please shoot" if one chooses to ask "is it worth it" at page 295 (which is obviously unfortunate if the question was fair meant, but well, we all live and learn)
Also Bantry has a good reason to answer as he does, a search will reveal why. He is actually being pretty polite all things given