I work with release management on a daily basis. Version numbers in software development has nothing to do with percentage complete and there's nothing that say that 0.10.0 = 1.0 or such. It's a completely arbitrary sequencing number without standards other than 1.0 generally meaning an official release, a concept that's however completely diluted for these kind of games and it's usually not even honored by big developers (just check out any MS product).
So just stop thinking you can discern how "complete" a game is from its version number.
Sorry if I somehow offended so many people just because I said something was early in development... I was using percentages as an example, not as dogma... For those in the gaming universe that are not developers, to the layman, such a low version number implies an early version (regardless of source)... And there really is no reason to take offense, as it was a review based on my own opinions and thoughts, not from a developers point of view, but from a players point of view... If a comment about the version number is so detrimental to a developers sense of how good or bad their product is, and they feel that offended by such a meaningless, non threatening, comment... Then something else must be going on...
I apologize if that small insignificant comment offended someone in my review... Because that is a first... And I can tell you, it was not meant as a negative, but a reflection of a perceived fact, in order to portray that there was a lot more content inbound (which should be perceived as a good thing)... If that isn't true, then all you have to do is say so...
Overall, I thought my review was pretty positive about the game, so I find it pretty odd that of everything I said in the review, people would be somehow offended by me saying early in development, which implies there is more content to look forward to... It makes me wonder if people are just looking for any reason, no matter how small, to be offended... Like they run around with chips on their shoulders, and their knees, etc... Just breathing in their general direction knocks off a chip, and sets them off...