So I took the time to read the last few pages, and I'm still trying to figure out the complaints about content. As
Bantry demonstrates regularly, there is plenty of content. Oh of course there's a bunch of teasing and whatnot, this is a SANDBOX, and also a DATING SIM. No tag on the game claims it's a "cum-first-then-worry-about-who-you-were-with-behind-that-dumpster".
No male knows how to decode a female on the first date, so yeah you have to meet them a few times. Well, unless you're paying for it... You also have to take some time to make
yourself more desirable, so there's a little grind on that, but it's not much AND there are "activities" along the way.
One wonders if the complainers would take a lesson from the game (rather than complain about it), they might learn a little something about how to treat a RL date, and not have as much need for insta-fap.
PS - A LITTLE something. I don't think staring at their chest on the first date is one of the things I'm talking about
PPS - Dumb request for
darkhound1 if he takes those: Can the smart-watch display have one little thing added? Many times, I find myself wondering how many INTERACTIONS I've had with someone for the week, so if this were on that list it would save a lot of open phone/select girl/look at count/make sure it's not total/close phone actions. <EDIT>: So if I'm in a room with 3 others, and one's count is low, I just have to run across them with the mouse to see which one is short. Make sense?</EDIT>