Let me start by saying I have the Japanese version of the game, with the H patches applied.
So at least when I’m done with this, even though I only possess the initial release, nobody will need to do any extra work.
Since I do not know how many of you have actually played the game using DeepL or whatever, I took a moment or two to translate some of the fun skills to show. Unfortunately I will not show them in this post despite the fact that these are the best names for skill in a game ever, because it’s a spoiler.
If folks don’t care about spoilers, I will post it.
I am having to tiptoe around in the Common Events tab because I’ve never injected a translation before. I know there are a lot of things that can blow up the game.
If anyone possesses any advice, my ears are always open. Ahh, in any case I keep plenty of backups so it will be fine.
I have done a lot more work than this already,
and there is also an Italian translation in progress, which I will post screenshots of, too, at some point. But for now, here is a start. Ignore that Shiros name is not translated, and that my change to Basic Status does not work for some reason. I had to scrap my last attempt because I blew it up in Translator++
Huge edit. So it looks like thanks to a certain hero, I can now instantly update my translation without needing to start a new game or wait ten years on an injection. Therefore, my dear friends, I can show off a lot more, a lot faster.
(editted in screenshots. Text overflow will be fixed later, also probably need to change that line about Shiro wantin Ryuna a bit