Really impressed by the demo. UE5 is simply gorgeous.
Always a good feeling when the game recommends running on ultra settings
I do have some complaints. Vsync is not turned on by default, infinite frames on the loading screen. You should have heard my GPU whining, this can lead to system crashes. Some of the facial animations are a bit wack. Some of the animations look like they have keyframes missing. Camera in 1st person would ideally be static, and not bounce around during animation. The skin smacking effect loses it's magic on slower speeds - not sure if this is actually physics based or carefully keyframed, needs alternate layers of animation based on speed, or the velocity tweaked. Breast physics are lackluster. The scale of the characters and the house are very off.
Here are some compliments. Graphics options menu, shamefully a lot of 0.1 alpha releases don't have this baseline feature, kudos for giving us some flexibility. Hair looks very good, physics can be a little floaty, but it works well. A novel attempt at including fluid in such an early release. Character customization is a on a good start, cosmetics / clothing are a very acceptable form of paywall, as they don't really implicate a large amount of missing content. Characters also look very good, but all seem very similar based on only three overall morph sliders.
I know there is a lot going on under the hood here, and good job making it all work together for a niche adult market. If you guys will continue working, and actually keep updating monthly, you'll find some more supporters.
If you haven't made one already, a public roadmap is a good idea so we know what's coming.