VN - Ren'Py - Homelander [Ch.4 P1d] [JabbonkGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    Pretty good VN. It covers quite a few of my kinks and still has a decent story. Wish some of the character models hadn't changed like they did but nothing's ever going to hit on 100% of what I want and it didn't take too much away. It's still pretty new so it hasn't reached donating level for me yet but if it makes it a few more updates without things going to hell then I'm definitely in.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    A mildly interesting plot.
    Very few choices and not really sure that they matter.
    Forced sex scenes, which is the biggest bummer because it takes a while for the story to get to this point so I've already wasted a couple hours to find out this game isn't for me.
    Decent renders.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.03

    Rating: 7.5/10 (Subject to change through versions)

    This game is a good bit of fun. If you like harem games then I would implore you try it out. The premise of the story is silly and tropey with MC being overpowered but once you settle in and if you can overlook that the story does get more interesting.

    Characters look decent and are pretty well fleshed out for the content in the game currently. You are starting to learn backstories and begin relationships with multiple LI's. It must be said I have no connection with any LI's yet but it's still early days.

    Romance for me personally is non existent here but I'm interested to see how it progress'. Being told by the main LI that they want you to fuck other people whilst they watch, on the same day you confess feelings for eachother is a MASSIVE putoff for me. Harem+Romance doesn't work for me, especially how they do it in VN's. If you deny the harem you deny yourself content and very rarely do these games add extra content if you decide to go down a 1 LI romance path. Making the story and romance, feel like a wet fart (as dev has to make equal content for all LI's)


    With that said, I am now approaching this as a harem game only, with no intentions of romance and trying not to let dev's decision affect my rating as truthfully it is disappointing. The game is still fun and worth a play, I am interested to see where it goes and the lore/world building is pretty cool.

    My suggestion to combat my personal issues would be add a choice where Ari asks MC "Did you like what you did with the Queen" If you say NO, it engages her romance path where you are "loyal to her" perhaps you can optionally cheat later? If you say YES then it engages her voyeur dialogue the same as it currently is. Of course the story is written in a way that this would mess with it, which is a shame. Maybe it's my traditional/boring brain but that isn't my idea of romance.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Second post ever. This guy has talent. The story is rich, the characters are well developed, and the naughty is well done. I liked this guys work so much I became a patron,

    You all should really check out this guys first little gem. Looking forward to what he has in store for us every subsequent release or other future projects.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is fantastic, just give it a shot! Renders are really well done, the girls are all hot. The story actually has some thought put behind it and the lore and magic makes sense. Plenty of options to basically customize your preferred kinks for each girl, to a point. But its just so rare to get options in general, can never go wrong with more options. Oh and lest I forget, the dialouge is real damn good as well, which is a big selling point for me as well.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    An easy 5 star. Really hot models with a great variety paired with a really in depth world and a storyline that is clearly going to be very big. I really really hope the dev can keep it going because what is there so far is phenomenal.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    If you like a story rich game, with good lore, then this is the game for you. I like that the game gives you the option for either girls only, or for trans/other option to gives the player the choice in this mater, and no NTR is a huge plus as all the girls so far are lovely and extremely likeable. The thing I enjoy most about the game is the length per chapter, giving players a ton of content and building chemistry with the love interest and progressing through the plot of this universe. The graphics of the game is very nice and smooth, the characters are insanely beautiful as well.

    There are only two real issues for me with this game that could seem minor to others, and still find this to overall be a solid 4/5.

    The first issue which really is a small nothing burger, the audio at times seemed the overlaps and was really bad at times, having more audio/music would be a benefit. The second thing, and the main reason I don't give this a 5 is, there is a lack of options through the game, an giving less control of how the MC interacts with the characters, and can have multiple interactions with no choices for us to pick from and enhance the gaming experience. Having options to have consequences/rewards for choices would make this a near perfect game for me, and I'm sure others would agree as well.

    Overall I love this game, and I do love the story and lore, as a nerd who love medieval themed anything. I wish the dev good luck moving forward and hope the game continues to grow and be even better moving forward.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Unicorn Mixer

    This a hidden gem of a game! The writing is very well done with an interesting plotline, good character development and an interesting story. I'm impressed with the pacing of both the story and the liaisons between MC and LI's. Renders are good, with some room for improvement, but if I'm being honest it actually works well with the setting for this story. Hard to describe that one I know, but it works. Very enjoyable game that leaves me wanting more after each episode so far.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story making and caracters with a long introduction to make player dive in the universe, definitively a 5 stars game from now (chapter 3). Please Jabbonk continue your hard work to entertaine ourselves !!!
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    Homelander [v0.03]
    The Good:
    • Decent world-building
    Between good and bad:
    • The dialogue and writing
    • The characters
    The bad:
    • Renders are so average/gloomy
    • The character models are so average and have ugly facial expressions most of the time
    • As of chapter 3, it has turned into average porn
    • The character development is so dull
    • Extremely linear
    When I first saw this game I failed to understand why this game is highly rated. It looked like an average game at best. But yes it fulfills the fantasy of the only male being in the world so I can see why it is rated to the sky :KEK: But honestly, I found it extremely boring starting from the middle of chapter 2.
  11. 4.00 star(s)



    i know i know, it's a little early to be rating with any real honesty, as it may yet turn "acting lessons" and shoot it's own foot, but it already has some very good groundwork so balls to it ;)

    this has had some real thought put into it and a decent lore already developed, so it has one good hook for a fantasy game already.

    the art, while not the best we see here, is way above average and sits comfortably in the "i didn't overdo the boob/hip sliders" category. it adds to the game without being a distraction and is more than pleasant enough.
    animations are equally good and executed perfectly (a little high praise? well it's my review so suck it up :p)

    the writing is great. structured and delivered well. not shakespeare (as if THAT'S readable at times) but it flows well and doesn't detract the reader (or me anyway).
    SURE it is all based around the ol' cliche of MC is a god with superhuman abilities and gets all the hot women, but it IS a fantasy game and who the hell fantasises of just boy meets girl? variety is the spice of life and if my girlfriend can't be convinced by that and let me also bang her sister, then we just have to live vicariously through the power of the adult game. if only there was a site with such content.....

    the only negative i have is that so far the sexual content, which is not more important than good story (and good art as a side dish) is the fact that it almost seems like the dev is influenced by the porn industry. blowjobs blowjobs blowjobs....where is the cunni? where are the 69's?
    i find nothing more erotic than when i woman's hips start to buck as my tongue works her to abandonment, and if i then pump her throat full at the same time....that's my kind of oral. gotta love a joint venture.

    overall a very good game and highly recommend for those who actually come for the N as much as for the V.

    not you bloody know who you are
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the very first game here on F95 that has captivated me with it's story and also the first game to have made me every line of dialogue. The graphics are stunning as well and can't complain at all. Thank you for this amazing piece of art!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This is actually a pretty good game. When i first looked at it i thought it would be another game with stupidly huge proportions but while it is like that on some characters (i get that the dick of the mc has to be large but it doesnt have to be a fucking forearm man) its overall still bearable. Apart from that it looks really well and the sex scenes are quite enjoyable.
    I dont know how much of an impact the choices you make have on the story or the character development but i do hope that you will have influence on who to be or how to behave in some situations.
    As for the plot i like the setting the story is set in even tho i think it covers a big timeperiod in a very short time. I think having the intro and then some flashbacks as the story progresses would have been preferable than to cover 3-4 years in one episode by just saying time went by. Also i think the MC gets too almighty too powerful too fast. Like he is insta pro at everything with huge potential and all that. Wouldve been nice to see a little bit more of a learning curve or sth.
    Overall tho is the story quite pleasant to experience and the story is well set. It might not be the most exciting best written VN ive ever played but definetly worth a try in my opinion.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I believe I found F95zone in the beginning of 2018 and made an account the year after. And in 4 years of searching, I have never been more satisfied with a game, or been more excited to see one grow. The quality of the story, characters, pacing, incorporated genres/genre variety, and art style are all well done and very much to my preferences. IMHO the worst thing about this game is that it isn't complete yet. Genuinely considering getting the max patreon tier rn. 9.9/10 (saving the last 0.1 for the full release, will make a new, far more expansive and comprehensive review when it does).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Lore Building. Good mechanism to introduce different races and factions which is prime material for a harem VN. Great content level as well. Just dont like the linear style of play with very few choices. But great potential so far.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is based on the the "girls only" version of the game. The story and character development are very good as of this version. The renderings are very well done and the girls are very attractive. I've become a patron and hope the best & continued success for the dev!
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Decent start on this one, a lot of the images are blown out of over exposed, not all but some.

    The story is decent and there are so very fun moments, but at other times it drags a bit for my taste. I think the developer is onto something and I might change my score later on, but for now it's an average game for me.

    Again the visuals could be better, but that can always be improved. Looking forward to seeing where this one goes.

    Game is taking far too long to update in my opinion, so I've decided to revise my review. I feel like this is turning into a bit of a milking scheme. Everything else on my reviews stands, but this has to go down to a 1 start for being inconsistent with content.

    If this changes I'll revise my review again.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, I just finished this gem and I am already curious for the next update. The story was really interesting and kept me through the build up.
    If I could, I would give more than 5 stars. The characters are beautiful and the atmosphere is just great. One thing to note is that I can't remember having to choose between options. However, I did not find this annoying.
    Lewd scenes have a good length.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Current version of the game(v0.02b) have great blance between sex scene and story.
    Character models are really good, all of them are unique.
    MC hesitant in current version but that have a great explanation in story.
    I love the story. Story have great pacing and a little bit mystery
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply great.
    It does all the right things most 18+ games needs to do (good art, plenty of girls etc...) and takes away all the annoying things (incopetent MC, balancing a bunch of characters that are not happy you're seeing someone else).
    Also, the story is actually pretty interesting and I'm curious to see how this will develop.
    The only thing lacking is sound effects but that is a minor thing.
    Hope in the future the choices you make also impact how the character works too (like how you could choose your weapon, maybe even have choices related to your magic?)
    Overall, very promising, will keep a eye out for updates.