Thank you! I'm saddened it was a typo but i'll check this out because i actually didn't even heard of scripted objects.
worry not ray! i actually made you a "DickGun" lol
its not much, just few items attached to each other really

i even dumped in some gimmicks to maximize the fun. check out the video and scene png below. enjoy.
I was wondering if anyone can help find studio addon pack that lets you customize animation kinematics by attaching objects, etc. You pull it up by pressing CTRL-I on previous versions. I tried DLing some mods and placing them in the HS2 Plugin directory but it doesn't seem to work.
I WISH! that plugin was great. its called "AdvancedIKGUI" plugin, i'm not sure if the creator is still active (forgot his name) but i joan apparently made a more complex animation plugin for later titles called "timeline", he didn't port that to HS2 yet but i'm sure he will. but you still can animate things using gimmicks and pistons "minimally" just like i did with the dick gun up there for now or until a real animation plugin is present

take a look at the scene and ill try help as much as i can.
@ everyone and people who have allot of plugin experience
also there was a bunch of mods that i hope see coming from HS1 to HS2, or if anybody knows an alternative and can point out something simillar:
-CMMod shortcut plugin: used mainly for the maker, it can add multiple characters to the game maker scene at once, helps with theme creation and size look referencing in general. also allows you to change clothes states, maker scene lighting, poses and allot allot more.
-AdvancedIKGUI: as stated above, it allows you to animates nodes with key frames, animations speed, ik/fk bone weights and, bone/object attachment, voice states, import animations from other games and a dozen things more.
-lockonplugin: simple but amazing, u press "M" and your camera is locked on your char instantly, can be locked on various body bones as desired and it also lets you select the next character in scene/game by pressing "L".
-itsuboru's shortcutSH plugin: (i hope i got his name right..anyway, awesome japanese plugin creator) and it does..many many things lol, like most things that u can do in studio neo today but years before illusion invented neo. and allot more! like for an example you can add multiple frames in a scene, each with a dedicated camera on your studio screen, crazy tuff
cur knows this guy, i'm not sure if he is on this board though.
check this spoiler for plugin reference:
i heared "CheatsTools" plugin can do many things but i haven't get in to it yet and i find it too complicated.