can some one help me getting in to this game. game start and i come to the menu but when i try to get in to the game i starts to load white screen and then crashes.
allot of users here had this problem before, i am not sure why or how to aid with fixing it but i hope somebody else here can help you out
Hey everyone! Been awhile. Currently I'm having issues with initsettings.exe. Every time I click either activate DHH or Enable Graphicsmod checkbox, the launcher closes. I'm curious if this is a bug or something on my end could be causing it? I recently updated to Better Repack R4. Could that be it?

It's incredibly frustrating. I don't even know where to begin with this issue. Any help would be appreciated. Otherwise, hope you are all well, what with the current state of things.
certainly there is something wrong but maybe not a bug, probably conflicting with something else, something is causing the launcher to crash and it can happen for a various of reasons. you can check the log in game root but i honestly do not know how to trace those yet.
what i would do is:
1.try going to "game root\BepInEx\Plugins" and
cut both the graphic sittings and DHH plugins out of that folder and test the initsettings.exe again. if it worked, then try update/re-download those two plugins and try again.
2.turn off/exclude the game folder from any antivirus or protection programs.
2.check if the game directory address is too long or not, keep it simple ex. (F:\HoneySelect2\).
3.then test this on a clean game folder (latest repack vr. you have the 7z for) and see if it is still happening, if it is doing great then you don't have to worry about other unnecessary trouble shooting.
4.lastly, try apply repack hotfixes, upgrades one by one and don't forget to test both the initsettings.exe and game in each phase. when testing those, the initsettings.exe menu will show you what upgrade is currently installed on the bottom right corner, click on the "update" button under patreon if it doesn't show.
5.back up the "userdata" andmanually added plugins, download the all in one R4.1 repack ^^'
6.if the problem is still present, then it may be anything else like windows, hardware or.. the cosmos lol. you better contact ScrewThisNoise and ask for help.
Any way of moving the camera faster than with shift and arrow keys/numpad?
if it is for studio, then you can adjust that in the settings. i am not sure if it is in the in-game settings or not but i think you can access those in "game root\UserData\config\system.xml", look for "<Camera>". you may need to reboot or restart the scene at least.