Hello ppl , can u tell me how do i change character s position during a sex scene ? the old Honey select had this option with a mod where u could rotate or transform X Y Z positions.
check the "BetterHScenes" plugin on plugin settings, somebody earlier mentioned that you can use a dragger to move the characters in the H-scene, not sure about the shortcut but i think it was (M).
I have both plugins and it doesn't work, breasts keep blinking
first i would disable both plugins from KKmanager to test if they are the cause or not. or please disable one of those plugins, ex. disable jiggle and leave boobsetting active to avoid any conflicts (don't use both at the same time). also chack if you have pushup plugin installed or not, if you have it make sure that the settings you are using in chara maker are not extreme.
if none of this worked, completely disable jiggle, boobsetting and push up bra from KKmanager, load the character in chara maker, click on advanced bonemod, then search for the keyword "mune" in the bonemod plugin menu and disable all entries related to boobs (mune bones) if any.
make sure to scroll down and disable all, also do not click on "link R/L" or it will not delete the bone entry. this should reset the boob bones and fix the problem.
if it didn't, save that chara (with deleted mune bones), then return to main menu and re-enter the chara maker, while the default character is loaded "miwa igarashi" click on load and load the card you saved but make sure to uncheck the "body bonemod" button.
then go to body>breasts then reset spacing, direction, softness and weight in case you added large values while physics plugins was active without noticing. you may also reset the size too just in case. if the problem is gone, then re-edit everything as desired.
if none of this helped, please upload the original character you had this problem with and i will do what i can to figure it out. i am not sure but there cold be problems with the colliders.
I have the All-In-One DX R2 Base Game Repack from the first post and it's working fine. Great game, and my hat's off to the modders who have put so much time into it.
I have a quick question about the installed mods. These are all those that came with the repack torrent.
I've noticed that any girl I pick regardless of how often or how seldom I've interacted with them, all interaction (sex) options are immediately available. I'm assuming that by default, you should have to work up to having all options open.
Is this correct, and if so, which mod does this? I would like to disable it so that I have to work at them. God-moding has never been a highpoint for me in games.
I've checked the installed mods with KKManager but nothing stands out as the obvious culprit here.
If this is the way it is by default, please let me know.

Eric Grey
i am not very familiar with the main game, but i think this data is related to both the card it self and if anything unlocked by achievements, so make sure you are not using a 100% save file and you use your own cards (not downloaded ones as some may contain in-game chara data), but you can always copy the look and clothes of any card to a card you created, make sure you do not lod the "character" data when you do.
also disable the "HposUnlock" plugin if you have it. i dont know what else, maybe
ASLPro3D or
alex2011 may know of any in game auto unlocker plugins and direct you to them.