unfortunately these will not work on HS2 as well. the way that assets/clothes for characters are handled depend on how the character's mesh, bones, other components and their composition are formed, this is exactly why you can use AI characters on HS2 (they are similar in composition) but cant load HS's (different composition), same goes to clothes as they have to be skinned on a body mesh and some times replace them.
the modders who created those mods you mentioned may be importing those clothes to HS2 and edit/adjust them to the new models, i am sure you will find allot of good stuff to use added every month if you update your sideloader mod packs via kkmanager.
any fix or release will be included in a latest full repack usually, so if you download the latest full all in one repack version it will include all fixes needed for previous versions. but if you decide to download only the update, the previous versions and their hot fixes are needed. ex. you have "HS2 updateA", you have to install "updateA hot fix" to be able to update your game to "updateB". OR, you can simple download "HS2 updateB All-In-One" that includes everything in the previous.
if i am understanding correctly how tongues work, they use a different mesh depending on pose. because none of the "tang" bones modifications seem to apply, not even the blendshapes related to it. but if you are using the studio you can simply disable the tongue from material editor and use a tongue item instead (which can be edited and posed by FK) and then attach it to the character using node constrains plugin.