Unity - Completed - Honey Select 2 [DX R16] [Illusion]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best 3d game, I've ever play on forum, downloading might get you on edge but props to the developer for making this game.

    Good graphics
    Little buggy
    Controls feels lack to the key board
    Pretty decent amounts of content

    And don't forget to make your chubby Waifus. ;)
    Likes: rys82
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the best sim game you can find the game is buggy and a little hard to get into the installation depending on the version you are downloading might be painful but it is worth it.The game has a lot of issues like some things being in a completely different category than what they should be in .But the game is overall an improvement over the first game .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Once fully modded and customized this game is arguably the best 3d sex game in the world - but it takes time and know how to do so. You have to do research on what to download and what not to and character customization will take hours.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Remind me of the sport games that come out every year and barely anything has changed, the difference is this one took a few years, a disappointment for me, so much reused of the first one with not enough improvement to make this make sense as a sequel.

    Hopefully the studio doesn't lock itself in that kind of shit and try to break new ground rather than barely modyfing a game and saying it's a sequel, they are one if not the biggest porn game company, they should be the one to try new stuff in the genre of porn games !
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Evil Dr Porkchop

    Load's of fun,Character Customization etc will keep you busy,There's a PDF manual if you get stuck.You have to like reading to get the most of this

    Make your ultimate babe,More to this game that first meet's the eye, Make some babe yours, different approaches with different women'Will gain your experience

    Another wishlist is some form of SweetFX as the graphic's need it ( I5 96000K RX5700XT blah blah

    If there was one flaw it's the Jiggle physics,not really a problem butt shake that arse

    I'll add something,this isn't just a Fuck simulator ,If you want to get em to love you some Tactic's are useful, I don't want to list spoilers

    Butt learn you shall
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    TheDon K

    Its by far the best animated porn game. The character creation is very detailed. Characters look amazing. Its a fuck simulator really and all of the mods expand the experience. Really underrated especially in comparison to the higher rated games
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Reused assets from first HS with slightly improved graphics. Sex scenes are literally copied over with the same exact animations, they didn't even bother adding new sex scenes with new animations(if there are any i didn't see them, every sex scene is exactly as i remember them from the first HS). The gameplay itself is mind-numbingly boring just like the first HS, there is no story or character progression of any kind. Create a girl and fuck her in very limited(in number and interactivity) and restricting sex poses. that's it, that's all there is to it.
    I guess it could be a good platform for games in Renpy engine,
    after all those are far more interesting than the HS games themselves.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A great illusion game if you know what the deal is. Graphics are awesome and the customization is great! Big props to the modders for making this a great experience. Can't wait for the next game to drop in 2021
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I have been following Illusion for a long long time, and I can justify by saying that this company is lacking content right now, A.I and koikatsu had a new concept in exploration, building and character development with the females, that and with the variety of character cards, sliders it makes it interesting,

    but HS2 is basically HS1 with updated graphics, theres not much difference in the positions and the locations. Honestly I am also getting tired with Illusion, of the rinse and repeat scenarios.

    Buuuut if character creation and scene making is your cup of tea then this game is for you (though you could have just gotten any other previous game, its the same thing)

    Graphics 10/10
    Gameplay 3/10
    Story 5/10
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    And that's illusion for you...
    If you just entered the world of ero games this is a must try that will bring you into the world of the customization option and mods addones.
    The game itself is pretty straight forward, but again it's all about making your dreamdoll do what you want in bed.
    Graphic-wise it's average (for the nowadays standards) and pretty heavy on the cpu, but still on the more than good side.
    All the mods already existing are doing a great job to make it better.
    Commands and camera handling are intuitive and well made.
    STN made an excellent job in repacking and applying all the mods as always

    Compared to the predecessor (and here are the cons):
    A much better variety of poses raise the level to almost sufficient.
    Still they don't understand how to make a pose "camera friendly" (did they ever watch a porn 'making of' video?)
    The graphics are better but only trough the use of enhanced effects
    [ a la Star wars: "We must make the sequel better! any ideas? .... ..... Ok, more light sabers it is!!]
    Practically slowing down the performance, and if you turn them off you go straight back to the old version.
    The company clearly keeps cashing on the revolution they made many years ago (are they Beatles fans??) and basically copy-paste the old products with a little restiling, relying on the modders community to make it a good work. (waiting Roy12 Mods to be ported on this one)
    This game in particoular should have been a free addon for the AI Girl title, but like for cars.. change the frontlights and voila' the new model!
    and again that's Illusion for you.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    FREE FAP! Don't complain! Some cards work well, some don't. If girl's cards are from community mods, they won't work in HS2 official release. Overall graphics quality increased compared to HS1 and AI, without the MOD addons. Some new poses if you can find them and girl's attitudes change depending on how you treat them. Affects music and maybe more?
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This shouldn't be a new game, it would be way better if it was an expansion, because it is basically the same game they released previously: Same graphics, same character creator and same sex positions (they added some new ones though).

    Graphics are a worse because it can't run at respectable frame rates if shadows are ON; Also bloom effect is not properly configured, you need to set it manually for each location.

    Gameplay is lackluster. Average for an Illusion game, but bad in general.

    Good amount of sex positions (copied from AIS)
    Extensive character creator with lots of personalities, clothing options, body and face customization, etc (also copied)
    The quality is also impressive comparing to games in the genre. It is fully voiced, has interesting boob physics, great looking characters (actually it is up to you create something that fits your likes)

    The game, by itself, is good. But if you played their previous title there won't be any interesting things to see here.

    Can't give a 5 stars because of the cons listed above. But can't give 3 stars because this game qualities are unmatched BY FAR.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    alright.. time to test that second opus.

    its very similar to the first one, wich is not a bad thing in itself.
    basically have a giant house/building where you can get girls (whore) and allow teh clients to have sex with (or.. simply "you", because you basically the only client here XD.

    + the poses are same as HS1 with a lil' difference on some. Some poses are better, like reverse cowgirl, wich give better result and more "realist" and fun.

    +/- graphically identical to HS1, with only a max of shitty-sneaky tweak , like SSAo, bloom and all theses fake shit things to hide a simple texture.

    + game run pretty smooth on my shitty pc, except when the cumshot happen.. the fluid simulation of cum litteraly broke my FPS very hardly, but that's just like 1 or 2 secondes, nothing crazy.

    - the fact the cumshot isnt taked into consideration is pretty lazy from the devs. i mean, when you cum, the fluid goes on the girls, but the cum effect is absurd. exempl : cum on hips, that cover the whole hips, legs and belly of the girl , while the cum fluid itself barely reach upper than the vagina.
    same goes for facial, that cover the whole top of the girl with cum. i would have prefer a more realistic "spread", instead of a total cover of half the body.

    - the management system is a bit more complicated and honestly not necessary, i dont know why they do that...

    + the new Sitris is a beauty.

    - the hair.... oh god the hair... as the haircut are pretty nice. the simulatio is ZERO. the front hair are basically animated/physics, while the back hair have no physics at all. turning the sex scenes into trash, specifically with girl like the white haired Sitris replacement girl.

    - the main "standard" MC is barelly 14yo... that was the first one to go in surgery for a total change. jesus fuck illusion ! i dont want to play a 14yo boy fucking 8yo girls... -_-

    basically, i understand why some peoples complain. they are clearly some lazyness from the illusion's devs with recycling alots of HS1. in the same time, some nice lil' things came out. The amount of rooms is interresting, the possibility to just talk with the girl, and some others small things like poses rework and such.
    as it is for now (as of 30/5/2020), the game is not worth it much. only for a try. for now, you better go jump into HS1 with mods, and came back here later in few months (next year) until some cool mods start to pop out and give this game the heart he didnt have.
    the more advencad customization system of HS2 didnt save it for now..

    i will redo that review in 2021, when some mods pop out and turn this game into something more interresting like HS1.

    as for now, give it a try, but dont expect much extraordinary shit. its HS1 in Beta state.

    edit :
    i played the game in french. as the game doesnt have this language at base, its auto translated ingame with google translate stuff. the result is sometime funny, but i must admit that it actually made a decent job and its always better than some impossible japanese or hard broked engrish to read.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Is there anything new? Yes, but sex no. just used h-scene from past illusion soft games. that's not the point right now. HS2 Might be the biggest game out of all of the old illusion soft games as for right now. If you're fan of HS1.
    hop onto the new one. More places for fun for you and your girl.
    Can't create a card? HS2 brought back the old random character card creation with Fuhl this time. She may not be like sitri (sorry I don't remember how to spell her old name) you can fool around with her which I liked. the best part about it she can be broken. well sort of, If you haven't use Screwthisnoise pack. I highly recommend using his mod pack. this way the modding will be easy for you. You can bring AI card onto HS2 sadly not any of the past illusion games.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I think its good so far. However I am looking forward to the mods especially the POV, 100%,, Uncensored, unlock all rooms, more characters and all animations. Because it lacks the mods that the 1st honey select had but this is early days for now. My fingers are crossed for mods to be created
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Much better than HS1. Now we just need to wait for the mods from AI and HS1 to be converted to HS2. Good thing that they skipped open world.

    Graphics: 5/5
    Gameplay: 4/5
    Animations: 5/5
    Audio: 4/5 (music is good)
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    To begin with If youve played an illusion game this game wont blow your mind, the game was build upon Ai shoujo so if you liked that game but hated the building and the grind i guess youll like it but it seems like a lot of content has been cut out to be realeased as free and paid dlc so ill wait to see if it gets better but right now its just a basic barebones illusion game
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A pure copy past of the previous games, ILLUSION and their lazy ass staff.
    Nothing new, No physics on tits n ass, Looks fake af. Meh!
    So dissapointing
    Might get better with future updates, But in the meantime i'm stickin with ai shoujo.

    I gave it 1 star before, But now there are mods it deffinitly deserves 5 stars in my opinion. Screwthisnoise posted latest version a couple of days ago with mods pre-installed, There are two in particular that got my attention, Which are HS2 Jiggle and Breastsetting that add physics to boobs and ass.
    Now they look better than real ones.