
Aug 27, 2018
У меня тоже вопросы возникли про игру.
В студии возможно загрузить своё фото которое находиться в разделе backround на экран который можно разместить в любом месте. Если я не ошибаюсь это фото отображается только когда оно есть в backround , а при загрузке на другом устройстве фото не видно и экран пуст. Вопрос про то как загрузить своё фото чтобы оно отображалась на экране не только у меня но и на других устройствах.
Следующий вопрос. Украшения у персонажей. Типа уши звериные или хвосты. Как ими манипулировать в студии? До сих при работе в студии я загружал их отдельно на место тех которые сделал персонажу в редакторе и уже потом поворачивал так как мне надо.
Другой вопрос. Я это уже делал но не могу вспомнить или найти инструкцию о том как вытаскивать музыку или звуки из игры. С музыкой у меня получалось, а вот со звуками были проблемы, конвектор файлов никак не хотел их переделывать в форматы которые можно воспроизводить. Так что помимо этого посоветуйте если знаете хороший конвектор аудио файлов который будет справляться с данными форматами. Заранее спасибо.
Дополнительный быстрый вопрос. Моды на игру есть которые меняют сам процесс игры? В игре ai girl, есть какой то хард мод который усложняет выживание. Знаю что в hone yselect 2 мало игрового процесса, но может есть что-то что меняет саму игру.

I also have questions about the game.
In the studio, you can upload your photo, which is in the backround section, on the screen that can be placed anywhere. If I'm not mistaken, this photo is displayed only when it is in the backround, and when it is uploaded on another device, the photo is not visible and the screen is blank. The question is about how to upload your photo so that it is displayed on the screen not only for me but also on other devices.
Next question. Decorations for characters. Like animal ears or tails. How to manipulate them in the studio? Until now, when working in the studio, I loaded them separately in place of those that I made for the character in the editor and only then rotated them as I needed.

Another question. I've done this before but I can't remember or find instructions on how to get music or sounds out of the game. I did it with music, but I had problems with sounds, the file convector did not want to remake them into formats that could be played. So in addition to this, advise if you know a good convector of audio files that will cope with these formats. Thanks in advance.
Additional quick question. Are there mods for the game that change the process of the game itself? In the game ai girl, there is some kind of hard mod that complicates survival. I know that there is little gameplay in hone yselect 2, but maybe there is something that changes the game itself.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Can u get new animations for this game i find it boring cause its kinda repetetive
have you unlocked all of them? maxed out their dedication thing?
I find some of them are pretty nice, especially the manual stuff. There are also some really nice intercourse ones, they feel more intimate than what you usually find in a porn game.
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New Member
Aug 5, 2020
Im having troubles with this transparent window that doesnt let me click on the options. Does somebody knows hoe can I close it or why does this happens??



Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
What is the most realistic way to set the graphics with the mod downloaded that's in the OP?
no idea, just use whatever you like really
what is the sideloader mod pack in the torrent?
I think it's a bunch of extra stuff, like mods and textures and poses and whatever for the studio. Afaik, the sideloader has nothing to do with the actual game if that's what you're playing.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
How do I unlock all scenes?
I think you unlock a bunch of scenes if you max out their dependence thing, which you can do by interacting with them in any way other than being a jerk. Hell, some of them even like that actually.
Also, some scenes are map specific, like the stairs scenes that you can only access if you're on a map that actually has stairs.
I think some other scenes also unlock by maxing out the individual sex trait things like anal and whatever.
There's a helpful wiki for this as well
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