I found the folder, just wanted to confirm. The cards' size is less than 200KB. Now, I found out that i got white screen issue by going to walk the hall, select scenes, engage in threesomes. I can't even start some of the threesome acts as the mouse wheel won't move.
But if I go thru call the girl and it's working, can't explain why.
Ok, so the size to load can´t be the cause.
But you gave me an interesting hint! So I got new findings I didn´t investigate so far:
Cuz I myself recognized since R10 that some Threesome scenes won´t start (everytime the "normal" scene, the "swap" scene is mostly working). It seems not to be the installation, cuz having the same issue on my gaming laptop also on my desktop.
So I made a comparison with the same 2 girls as well via "walk the hall" as "call a girl" - and what surprise: all scenes of female group in "call a girl" are working perfect, in "walk the hall" I have the issue that the "main girl" isn´t in the right position and the scene won´t start.
So I guess we have a problem in the animations, but it is inexplicable to me the different behaviour between "walk the hall" and "call a girl".
Anyway never had white screen, but maybe your hardware is reacting not the same to this issue.
There is only one difference: the "call a girl" is starting with the first girl alone, the "walk the hall" has to load both girls at once - maybe you have an issue with the starting scene of the two girls in "walk the hall" too.
Unfortunately I have neither an explanation nor a solution for this