Does anyone know the cause or solution to this problem?
I'm making changes to a character card, and generally can save the card and it loads back up fine. But when I try to change one thing in particular (angle of the eyebrow), the change doesn't register properly. Like, saving it seems to work fine, you can even see the change on the actual .png image, but when loading the card again the eyebrow has the old angle.
Actually, it says the correct new value in the editor slider. F.ex., it says "75", which is correct, but not actually displayed on the character. When I change the slider to 74 or 75 again, the actual eyebrow angle on the character "snaps" to that. But, again, after I save it, it still doesn't load with the proper angle on the character.
I can save/load eyebrow angle edits to other characters just fine. I have been editing this character for a long while, and earlier versions of the same card didn't have the problem.