Thanks for the update. The gym portion was surprisingly lengthy.
Had a thought while playing. It would be nice to get notification of achievement in game. Something with renpy.notify maybe? It would also be nice for builds not on steam to have a way to see what achievements were unlocked. Maybe a gallery on the main menu with a bonus pinup or picture for each achievement unlocked?
Finally, it would be cool to have a 3.5 update around the actual holiday season that detects the month and change the next morning backgrounds to snow.
Looking forward to your continued work on HHD.
Oh, clicking on punching bag as Joy increases the sparkofjoy stat every time. Is this intended?
> gym portion was surprisingly lengthy.
That was the goal - now with the current size, it's a lot more like a proper game, instead of a mild train wreck like it was at launch, and the v2 had more than a few people saying, "It's a bit short." I think the current, newest experience is finally "finished," and with the edits, we're now going to keep this timeline instead of shoehorning in new content & altering the timeline, since we've done that twice now.
> Maybe a gallery on the main menu with a bonus pinup or picture for each achievement unlocked?
Maybe. We'll see. It's a good idea, and I agree, if people aren't playing the Steam version especially this would be nice.
>cool to have a 3.5 update around the actual holiday season that detects the month and change the next morning backgrounds to snow.
Lol, yeah, this is beyond my current capabilities and will probably remain on the "would be cool," pile.
>clicking on punching bag as Joy increases the sparkofjoy stat every time. Is this intended?
That sounds a lot like a bug. I'll review later and (since I've got a bug report on my discord as well, and need to review some things there) will fix for the next update, probably this weekend, or sooner if we're lucky & everything is easy to fix.
Much appreciate the ideas & bug reports, thank you very much.