A new? bug: the Flame Burst class doesn't have any scenes associated with it. When I entered the classroom, nothing happens but time passes and the class attendance goes up (so I go from 0/4 to 1/4) and I'm left outside the classroom. I remember this class having scenes before.
No assignments, either, it's like that class's script doesn't fire off.
I'll take a look at it and try to get it fixed in the next bugfix patch (which should be soonish since there's still a few more that I have to fix!
I think there's a bug at the neko breeding ground
I keep getting teleported to floor 10
There's some bugs around that area of the dungeon. Nothing much is past there anyway yet, so it's not too bad.
Oh and btw
how do I get the tattered silk amulet?
Are there any uses for milk(human)?
I get stuck in the forest ruins.
How do I progress with Andrew's storyline?
Is there only one ancient scripture in the library?
Tatered silk amulet I'm not entirely sure actually. It's relating to the slime amulet, so perhaps a treasure in the slime's waterway? Or the forest dungeon, or a drop from there?
I can't seem to find it, but I must have implemented it somewhere?
Human milk I think can be given to nekomata babies you have, or sold.
Selling it from what I remember is actually not bad money, but it's been a while so I'd have to double check.
Forest ruins are incomplete, ending somewhat near the end after you get into the underwater tunnel area.
Andrew's storyline I think just has 10 scenes, and just spending time with him repeatedly should be enough to progress it.
Yep, only one for now.
How about Anya's 6th event? Forgot, still working on it, or no clue and need my save file?
Still working on it, I had a few more bugfixes I also wanted to get to like the fire class bugs so I figured I would compile the fixes for the kitchen job (which needed to be done immediately) and get another patch for that event and the others out tomorrow or the next day.
I had hoped it was just a missing fade-in but I need to get back to that point to test, and figured I would play through the scenes manually again rather than implement a debug method to skip right to it, so it will take a little bit longer to get to it, but hopefully not too long!