I was like bro why is she taking so long, then it hit me I'm playing a porn game...but since its no ntr lets just go with shes getting resources and shit. And it doesn't matter since our boy steve is gonna be fucking monster girls and being a pimp anyways.
Edit: just played the updated game...nvm shes defo prostuting herself.
Yeah it is NTR bruv, just off screen.
Like dude puts all that effort into making the golden bikini just to get cucked by piglins XD
That's a classic NTR setup, *Dude puts in lots of effort for thing for chick* *chick takes, then fucks others*.
Don't know if it is enough to get the tag on the game though, since it is all off screen, and some mod/s are pretty anal about things these days. (had a report rejected, when the game had a tentacle rape scene on a well established LI XD I swear one or more of these mods has no idea what NTR is)
Like the tag doesn't specify it has to be shown... but well for some reason one or more of them do whatever they can to keep the NTR-tag off games with light-mild NTR. (Hell had one rejected when the dev themselves said there was NTR in it XD and lots of it, game has the tag now, but still, the fact it was initially rejected despite quoting it, and saying where the quote can be found)
Ahem, anyway as for this one, doesn't surprise me, Dungeon girls had a NTR-ish scene with the shop keeper lady (tentacle one). Like yes let me build rapport only to have a tentacle monster fuck them XD