This is basically next update questline means only 1 or 2 question of both tenten and sakura and 1st photoshoot nothing else guys remember it's ai generated game doesn't matter how high quality it is most of work is done by ai still after waiting 2 months this is content added
This is basically next update questline means only 1 or 2 question of both tenten and sakura and 1st photoshoot nothing else guys remember it's ai generated game doesn't matter how high quality it is most of work is done by ai still after waiting 2 months this is content added
It's same Strategy buy 1month membership then get apk then wasted all other days then out of nowhere after 2 months another apk drops then buy it again it's cycle basically I am paying 10x for 1 day yeah and update is 1 WIP option unlocked and added new language