
Bush Rustler
Aug 23, 2018
Why is my name in that? ssmatt tagged in. I'm fed up trying to navigate your selfishly skewed view on this matter. You are literally the only person I've ever seen with these complaints, and frankly, I can't take you seriously anymore.
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Bush Rustler
Aug 23, 2018
That last post you made. You put my name at the top, but I hadn't replied since before your last response. I'm done here.
There's very little about this discussion that's constructive, you're here because you don't like a game that's made its mark in the mainstream because it doesn't fulfil what you personally want it to be, which is something it's never tried to be. You've disregarded each time anyone has tried addressing your concerns, so you obviously don't care about anything other than your unbudging opinion.
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Nov 2, 2019
I've been following this game from the very get-go, and they didn't really pivot directions when the game started going mainstream like you are suggesting. The game has been a comedy social simulator with nudity and sex from day 1. In fact, I don't even think sex was added to the game until way late in its initial development.
I was patreon before steam release but not from the beginning, older version I played had Stephanie topless with wine (they already removed the combat system), shortly after they added the quest where you can get the blowjob.
Game was aiming to being social simulator with quest help rather than quest based, they planned to have multiple approaches with girls from just giving gift to choose the right line to do quest for them...plan was multiple approaches to get all girls but it developed in a quest based game with mutually exclusive girls (well not that it matters since it can be easily modded).
Also another inspiration was xstory player: Stephanie had (and still has) the skirt that lift, Ashley has the top that goes off rather that just disappear, the ancient fight scene with Frank was about throwing items against him.....that stuff was never developed, introducing combat system is a good sign.

Some powerful stuff is still outed from CSC. Console command can change size of people and bodypart. Also didn't they doubled the game space adding the garden? This kind of stuff has more potential than anything else. Expanding and taking new people for working the game can be meaningless if they focus so much on plot movie details without changing mechanics: just give more raw mechanics updates and modder will brought more complex stories anyway.
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Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
This game was always intended to be an adventure game (in classic sense), but with the main distinctive feature being explicit sex scenes as rewards. So unlike for example old Leasure Suit Larry games, can't be considered just erotic or softporn game. But it is also not just a porn since maybe 5-10% of what you do in the game could be considered porn, rest being party shenanigans that people still put on Youtube (with porn/nudity bits removed/censored).

Obviously, it is not for everyone, but I think devs multiple times sayed in forums that House Party is not a sex sim, so that is why not all focus is on sex positions, etc...

Personally I think it works. Due to multiple ways you can get to the girls, game is very replayable and does not get boring quickly. Also, voice over work is plain awesome in this game. You can see that all VO work is done by professional actors.

I've seen so many developers trying to make mix of sex and some other genre, and usually, they fail in the gameplay part of their games since most of their experience was in making sex scenes and not actual games. This game is pretty much other way around.
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Nov 26, 2017
Id love to see more sex positions added. Is that something that is planned?
They actually just announced "improvements" on sex scenes. Not sure if that means new positions or just fixing up the old ones, but either way, I'll take it:



Nov 2, 2019
This game was always intended to be an adventure game (in classic sense), but with the main distinctive feature being explicit sex scenes as rewards. So unlike for example old Leasure Suit Larry games, can't be considered just erotic or softporn game.
But Leisure Suit Larry was a classic adventure game much more than House Party, it was like a sexy Monkey Island. This game has always been more ambitious since it had good physics even from early stage (not like xstory player but still more than the AAA japanese porn games, they neglected it for some time but they are developing it again) and some rpg values that alter the game like relation but also drunkness and more recently the combat stats. It is not a small feature, even many proper RPGs have drunkness that just give +1 in some stats and -1 in others while in this game when someone is drunk.....well moves as a drunk and people recognize that you are drunk. Even the huge Bethesda games like Fallout failed at that: in Fallout 1 people recognize that you are a character with 1 intelligence and you spoke live a caveman while in Fallout 3 it didn't make any difference you just got less xp but people can't tell the difference and a 1 intelligence character says smart lines like a 10 intelligence character.
And the modding potential since they always supported mods. How much modding usually have classic point and click adventures?

But it is also not just a porn since maybe 5-10% of what you do in the game could be considered porn, rest being party shenanigans that people still put on Youtube (with porn/nudity bits removed/censored).
With House party you can still do a game with wall of text like Planescape Torment with zero sex and even zero nudity or a game with just orgies or you can make an arena where people just fight. The mechanics support all these 3 options.
Mechanic wise the non porn stuff isn't that developed. Walk, sit, lie, dance and more recently fight. You don't have eat animations for example. Or pour beer animation or climb animation or dig animation or write animation or type with the laptop animation or cook animation or shake hands animation. You also don't drive a car or ride a bike for obvious reasons. And the foreplay stuff? GTA has lapdance (great animation, too bad the clothes don't fall) and isn't a porn game. Kissing and groping are very recent and welcome additions....you had zero foreplay for years and you couldn't even touch anyone without having sex. They also promised stripping animations (clothes will just disappear, they don't have the resource to make clothes complex like Ashley's top....and even stripper focus games like Dreamstripper lacked it!).
Hardcore porn stuff on the other hand was always been quite developed with blowjob, missionary, doggy, cowgirl, 69, sex against the wall in 3 different positions!


Nov 26, 2017
maybe from Eek games they pay you to fight those who don't think like you and them?

I'm sorry to say it but I have the impression that the trolls are you.

And when someone tells his truth (because it is the truth), you are ready to make war against him.

I have not yet seen a minimum of objectivity and concreteness in your words.

Only answers like: "that's it!"

This is why we find ourselves in crazy societies.

In which no one accepts the criticisms of others, because his word is religion.

Then don't complain about the poor and mediocre results.

This game was very nice to me and I was about to give my fucking money but after reading some bullshit, the desire has passed me.

As far as I'm concerned, I've already uninstalled the game.

With this I close the discussion, I definitely move away from this thread and I wish you, for the occasion:

Merry (SEX) Christmas! (y)
The irony is that you just described exactly how everybody else feels about your posts here. It's rather amusing that you can grasp the concept of confirmation bias, but don't see the ignorance in your own behavior. Instead you further delusion yourself by making up conspiracy theories that everybody here is a paid plant by the company, which is hilariously the quintessential example of what you describe above. Clearly you are the enlightened one, and we're all the sheep. That's the most obvious conclusion when literally everybody disagrees with you.

Tell you what, since you're so business savvy, go create your own amazing adult game, and when you've had as much success as Eek, you can come in here and criticize them all you want, and then you might have a leg to stand on. Until then, just give it up dude. Nobody agrees with you, so let's just drop it and move forward. This is supposed to be a thread for people who enjoy the game to discuss it, and you clearly don't, so kindly leave us be.

Happy Holidays.


Dec 18, 2017
whats up with this game why when i open game it take 5 minute to get access to new game or selecting a story or even loading a previous save
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