is it really? what makes it "pretty good"? all I see is a page full of Negative Reviews on Steam.
Most of the negative reviews (if not all of them) are only complaining that there's no nudity, and a lot of them even mention (even though it's negative) that it's really good and funny. I found it to be some of Eek's best work, and they added new mechanics to the game as well for it which will probably make an appearance in future content.
The base game is also still at 90% positive. The people complaining and review bombing are just a vocal minority. This game has sold millions of copies and most people are happy with it. Review bombs make these people feel good and powerful, but in reality the game and even the Doja DLC is probably still selling well despite.
Whenever I see a game negatively rated on Steam, I always check the reviews to see what people are complaining about. It's usually like "This game is actually amazing, but there's this ONE thing that a small group of us don't like so we're getting out the pitchforks!". Everybody knows how easy it is for a small group to review bomb a DLC because nobody tends to review DLCs, which is why these people haven't even made a dent in the base game review score (even though they tried).
Hell, look at the explicit content DLC. 47 reviews?? As opposed to the base game, almost 12k reviews. I am sure most people have the AO patch, especially from when it was free, so that's probably over a million copies, and less than 50 people took the time to review it and more than half of those people are just mad and want to complain about the one thing.
Edit: Reviews for the $5 dollar Explicit Content DLC
1."why is this 5$ when it used to be free? I get devs need money to develop games, but come on could you not come up with a better way to make extra dev money??"
2."They switched this from free to paid content because they ... have more content planned to be added to it in the future. Yet, they've added no actual content since they made this paid"
There's a new character they just recently teased, and if they don't release her as an update to this DLC, this DLC has been solely a cash grab.
3. "Just so everyone knows. This used to be 100% free DLC. I do not know why the Devs got so greedy with this, its literally an adult game lmfao. At least we learn what Devs to avoid in the future"
Most of this info is wrong anyway. Just people who have no idea what's actually going on, and again, the "power trip" of leaving a bad review score on a DLC, because nobody rates DLCs for any other reason.
1. Anybody who bought it prior still has it and gets to keep it for free. Only new customers have to purchase it, and it was announced and planned for a long time.
2. They've added like 40 adult cutscenes since then.
It's not a cash grab to add content to the game that isn't adult. The game grumps were added to the game for pure comedic reasons. The newly announced DLC WILL have adult content, that's been announced also. Some updates are adult, and others are not.
The problem with this game is that it's so good as both an adventure game AND a sex simulator that some people only play it for the sex simulator part and get mad when the devs add anything besides MORE SEX MORE SEX!
Then there's most of us, who actually enjoy the game on the whole who don't mind these updates.