How do you guys decide what game to play?


New Member
Mar 8, 2020
Hey guys! Everytime i visit this site to search for a new game i'm always overwhelmed with how many new games and updates there are! How long does it take with you to find a game you want to play? Is there a way to just get a random game here? because that would be a perfect feature.


Game Developer
Sep 16, 2020
I treat it like searching the fridge: I search a handful of tags I want, get frustrated that the same games show up from the last time I searched them, and then go back to an old classic.
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
If your overwhelmed, just stick to the trending games tab and work your way from there.

Honestly I just search what tags I enjoys and download a bunch of shit in one go. Most of it is garbage but I keep a spreadsheet of what I like/dislike in order to filter what I can/shouldn't download again in the future.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
I look at the signatures of others who have posted favourably for games I've already decided I like
If a game name comes two or three times I'll give it a go
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Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
1. I go to Latest Updates.
2. I look at the thumbnails (?) and the titles, scan for anything I don't recognize.
3. VNs are automatically excluded from my consciousness unless they have an appealing title or thumbnail. VNs that just have a bunch of characters lined up are chaff to me (that said, this site can have a very loose definition of what a VN is).
4. I immediately recognize Japanese games by the artstyle and "completed" status. I ignore them. Japanese writing is cringy and those games are 95% rapefests.
5. Game engine is pretty much irrelevant.
6. Graphics are optional. An appealing presentation is welcome but not required. That said, Koikatsu and real-porn might actually put me off more than text-only.
7. If a game I don't recognize catches my eye, I hover over it and look at the tags. Usually the absence of both "corruption" and "mind control" tags makes me move on. All my favorites have one or both.
8. Once I find such a game, I go to its page and see if the game can sell me on its premise. I'm looking for an appealing corruption and/or mind-control angle and mechanically interesting gameplay. But if I see poor English or terrible writing in the screenshots or description, I move on. That can ruin an otherwise great game.

Sometimes I use the tag filtering system to find anything I might have missed. Usually when I'm kind of desperate for new games. Aside from those two tags, I may look for "turn-based", "management", "strategy" or "trainer".
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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
I just tend to read the game description first, do I find it appealing? if yes I see that it doesn't have a tag that I find literally something to not touch even with a stick (basically scat, gore or similar things).

If both have an OK then I try the game, if not I just move on. My personal preference are games with gameplay and/or that present dangers to some extent either towards the MC or important girls in the story, no unavoidable or optional stuff. Avoidable is the key word for me.


New Member
Oct 10, 2019
Narrow down what you like. Because there are so many you should be rather harsh on exactly those tags. I for instance ignore all 2D games because otherwise I would be washed ashore with all the other games.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
Quote: How long does it take with you to find a game you want to play? Is there a way to just get a random game here?

Days. Hours. Sometimes I find something within a few minutes.
Usually I start with clicking on Latest games & Updates and scroll through the first 4 or 5 pages to see anything in the last few days that has been posted. If nothing interesting pops up, I go back to page 1 and filter on a single tag I like and do that for a few tags, to see if anything pops up that grabs my attention.

If nothing else, I will click on a game that kinda seems interesting and scroll to the bottom of the page, there will usually be a list of 4 or 5 threads about other games with similar tags.

As for getting directed to a random game, it might be kind of interesting to have an 'I feel lucky' button near the top of the page that sends you to some random game. It probably won't interest you, but you never know when you will get lucky and strike gold.
Apr 24, 2020
I usually go by the screenshots and by the amount of updates (unless the game is complete), although I have a strong preferences for 2D.


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
Its been made easier for me since some devs use the latest version of RenPy, which I cannot play on my PC, so I do not bother with those games.(y)

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
It varies from day to day depending on my mood. I just scroll the games, either latest updates or just searching for tags I like and see if anything interesting pops up. If I like the previews/story overview, I give the game a go, provided the "gut feeling" is there.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
A combination of what i am in the mood for and how much time i have.
I prefer games about mc dominating woman.

What form it takes however.
Sometimtes i want a quick rape game.
Sometimes it is all about that corruption.
Other times i want to manage my own corrupted empire.

I never play romance games or story about falling in love.
I seek power and control.
Without those a game means nothing to me.
I wish they updated the tag's.

For example:
Some games have people having there way of thinking corrupted.
I would put that under corruption.
For some ungodly reason many of those games have mind control tag.
Despite lacking mind CONTROL.
Its mind control not mind corruption.

Ran over.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
What does digestional functionality have to do with quality of game, meatbag?
*Statement* Master, my programming has me very knowledgeable about the entirety of the weak shells you shamelessly parade around, including intimate knowledge about the digestive systems and it's purposes. This allows me for much more effective termination of your pointless species, just as science intended.
As for the relevance about the digestive system when choosing a game, this was something my original creator taught me. When deciding on a game, make sure your internal systems are buzzing with excitement. My creator referred to this as a "gut feeling" but I believe it's the same joyous sensation that's causing through my systems, whenever I see a liqidious fleshbag, such as yourself, bending over in pain and missery. If only your species didn't make such a mess when they cease to be alive. I can't count the amount of rust I have to prevent, because I get your blood all over my precious parts.
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Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
latest updates -> sort by likes (as mostly more known are more developed content and qol-wise) -> sandbox (obviously) -> no 2danime and 3dhoney selekt, no ugly renders, no fantasy, no distant future & if engines are unity and 'other' im checking if there are cheats. -> mods, walkthroughs and-or ingame tips availability
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Dec 17, 2018
On the seventh hour of the seventh day of July, I visit the local farmers market and purchase a swine of the highest caliber. I bring the beast to the highest peak of mount Olympus and perform a ritual whereby I stick it with the pointy end and proceed to rip out it's entrails. I place them into a makeshift firepit and, when the smoke turns its blackest, I throw a flammable capsule filled with the names of the top 10 recent games from Whichever name survives the test of fire shall be played. Of course, if no names survive, no games shall be played. It's been almost a year but I am confident that at least one name will survive this time.
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Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
1. Tags I care about.
2. Reviews. The score is less important than the content. For example, if a reviewer complained about the game being too rapey or contains gay content for me it's actually a recommendation.