VN - Ren'Py - How I Became a Hero [S2 Ch.11] [Naughty tales studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game took me by surprise, I started it out of curiosity and got surprised by the depth of the main characters back story and the progression of events in the main story. The story itself is quite interesting and well written, but what amazed me the most is the evolution of the main character and his relationships with all the other characters he interacts with during the plot(and I mean all, not only the love interests). The graphics are also incredible and beautiful and they enrich the story within the game without overshadowing it, as it should be in my personal opinion. I would recommend trying it to everyone who likes fantasy games.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I only played the first season and its really good so far. The game takes place in two different worlds, each with its own characters., but the magical world is by far the most interesting one, and has the most interesting characters. The moment the mc gets back to his original world the story became quite boring for me and can get quite melodramatic at times. Not a fan of Misty.
    The renders look really good and so do the animations. I also love how some of the characters have different body types. Bibi, Erdie, Daka are some of my favorite characters, but unfortunately as the game progresses the less and less you see them. Also the body type variety kinda goes out of the window in the human world.
    Overall, it is a strong recommend, i will try the second season as well at some point, and hope to see more with the more unusual characters.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for season 2 Chapter 11. Not sure why I passed this by before this, but gave it a go and was very, very impressed.

    A very interesting story that drew me in and I found it interesting, very different and enjoyable. Graphics are top notch, animations are great.

    Now this was a great experience for me, but like everything it may not be for everyone. First it is very much Kinetic, few choices and you cannot deviate from the path the Dev has you on. Second there are many LIs and although you can choose to not engage with some of them it all seems like that is the path it wants you to be on.

    The LIs are various and extremely diverse, and I really like that, but some of them may not be everyone's cup of java, so keep that in mind.

    The MC is a good young guy, like - super nice. The girls all like him and are basically in love with the dude, and he is like freakishly nice.

    The writing was the real gem, it starts out slow and I didn't even realize it had been such a very long time in playtime and he had only gotten a handjob. It was such a good story. When I realized that fact, I was a little miffed and about that time he started to get some.

    Wholesome, fun, adventure, fantasy, elf girls and milfs, cow girl (that one was built a little weird) goblin girls, giant lady, a bunch of girls in his normal world and so on.

    Enjoyable, easily one of the better VNs I have seen.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok wow this was an amazing journey that roped me in from the beginning. This is now one of my favorite games and it came from playing from chapter one all the way through 11 and for the first time in awhile I actually was mad when I saw that it ended for now.

    Everything about this game is amazing from the story, the relationships, and all the unique characters in this game. The writing is done superbly and I read every line and had no intention of skipping. It is also very fun to see how the creator has changed and developed the game overtime for more emersion and choices. Also for a game with a harem tag the romance is top notch and you really do feel a connection with the characters, obviously some more than others. I am also with no spoilers very curious to see how a relationship may form with a rather unique character given the size difference.

    This game has something for everyone to be honest. If your looking for a great story. You won't find one much better than this.

    If your are looking for great renders this one also fills that box. The scenes are also very well done and not the same copy and pasted scenes repeated over and over again as in some games.

    Different body types is a big one in this game is you have short, tall, bigger, muscular, skinny, and all in between. Most of all you get the choice to an extent at who you engage with and the type of content you want to see that may be gross to some and a turn on for others.

    A fantastic game and journey that I cannot wait for more content to come as with as much content as there already is it really feels like its just beginning to take shape and could go for a long time before it concludes. I cannot wait to see where it goes.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Chapter 10:

    Okay, so I am actually surprised this game is from the same dev as Max's Life. Don't get me wrong; Max's Life was good. But the animation and story are so good and so much more different. But then perhaps it's a larger or different team since the listed dev is different. ANYWAYS! I disgress.

    Artwork/Animations - 7/5

    I absolutely love the models in this game. And the dev went out of their way to provide options (like dwarf women? This game is for you!). And the animations are so clean. And yes, there's plenty of hot stuff!

    Storyline/Dialogue - 4/5

    So the story isn't bad. It's actually pretty good. And again, the dialogue is a huge improvement over Max's Life. But again, I digress. The story is developing nicely; just not sure how I feel on how it started. I don't want to give any spoilers. And (I can't believe I'm saying this), but I feel like some of the romances developed a little too quickly. Again, my opinion. But the story is captivating, and I look forward to following it.

    Gameplay/UI - 4/5

    So this one is a little weird. The game is basically a VN. There are a few options that will dictate content moving through the story, but it's very few and far between. The reason I am giving it 4 stars is because I kinda feel like there are too many clickable choice options during the H scenes. I get why they're there; I think it would be better to advance through the scenes and then provide the repeatable options, instead of providing them throughout the scene. I hope this makes sense!

    Overall, this is a really good game. I have some personal nit-picks about the story and the UI, but the artwork and animation easily make up for it. 5/5 all day long. Great work!


    Radical Dreamer
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The relationships are foced... Makes you feel like choises don't matter.
    Too bad the renders and the story are good!
    I liked most of the characters.
    Lesbian vibes even when you say you don't like it.
    I Really don't like the sister, feels like a used slut.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm not sure, but I don't think I want to keep playing. I think this game kinetic novel is best for people who want girls who don't look quite human. The game has some human-looking humans (and normally proportioned elves), but it also has a lot of... not that. I don't mind a bit of pointy ears, or statistically implausible breast distributions, but a lot of these woman are much farther from the human norm than that; you'd be shocked to see them on the street. If that's what you're into, then this game is probably for you. (There should be a "very monster girl" tag.)
    Otherwise, it's just, not quite good enough.
    The girls aren't quite good looking enough (even those who aren't absurdly proportioned). They don't have enough personality outside of their sexuality. They aren't quite charming. They aren't quite strong enough (mentally) for my taste.
    The dialogue isn't bad, but it isn't really... good. It's just... some dialogue.
    The plot isn't quite there.
    The sex scenes are not good enough. There were a few animations that I liked, but the vast majority of them were *skip*.
    One thing I straight up dislike is the execution of the dual worlds stuff. It really detracts from the more interesting story to have the protagonist back on Earth doing boring Earthy stuff.
    By the end, I found myself fast forwarding more and more.
    Also, the writer(s?) started putting everything in "*whispers*" followed by distractingly small text.
    I was deciding between three or four stars, but then I remembered that this is basically a kinetic novel, and the protagonist's choices are kind of... blemgh. Also, he looks pretty unheroic (IE scrawny.)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the story so far and the models are very well done. The animations were decent as well and the number of LI's is enough that the harem is very diverse.

    The only thing that I bothers me is the translations. The English dialogue version of the game is a little hard to stomach at times. It's still understandable so I was able to get through the story but it could use a better English dialogue translation. If that's done then this is easily one of my favorite harem games out of all of the ones I have played.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Well i must say that this game is really really good, good concept very good graphics and animations. It is a top notch game, the models are beautiful and the storyline is good.

    This has already entered into my top 10 games of all time and i really cannot wait to see more episodes. 10 episodes took me about 12 hours to go through so plenty to do and i didnt find myself skipping as i was invested in the story as well.

    Not many games have both some are for pure sex scenes, others have good story and little sex, this seems to have both and it deserves to be a 5star game.

    Thank you DEV for a great game long may it continue.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game had real promise, initially. OK, kinetic, so not many choices at all, but a great story, so I'm there. And the sex was interesting, kinky at times, but always character driven, and story driven. Then came chapter 9, and all that good stuff went out the window. Wow, that chapter almost turned me off the entire game all by itself! So I'll write more than usual here to try to make sense of it all.

    Supposedly the MC fell madly in undying love with an elf girl in the "other world" -- but when he goes back to his own world and maybe can't get BACK to her, rather than doing his best to GET BACK TO HER, he just lets himself be distracted by a lot of sex-mad realworld gals who just can't get enough of his cute little do-gooding butt, and what's a poor little ex-blind, intensely earnest (and dumb as rocks) boy supposed to do? Let them go sex-hungry? NO! He will ignore his True Love and go after homegrown, weird-haired and -tatted pussy. Because the writer decided, apparently, that that stuff was more important than the story. I mean, even the somewhat hotly interesting development of getting it on with sis has to have some tie-dye hair driftergirl sitting there watching?
    Ah but then I did get another choice! "Say goodbye to color-challenged Misty?" Hell yes, she's out of here, now MC & Layla can get down to it. And, yes, the animation, as it has been, shines. A big reason why this is a "3" and not a "2" rating.
    Oh but the writing...
    MC:"(I want to lick you until my tongue hurts...)"
    -- then her: [Large font]*SEDUCTIVELY WHISPERS*
    [small font] "Please don't stop with your tongue." (this whole scene is her "seductively whispering". But not him..)
    MC: "As you wish!"

    It's too bad. Kinda like the whole storyline got hijacked.

    BUT -- then after that weirdass writing hiccup chapter, I thought surely the story would reassert itself again -- but we're still all about the real world and MC's dealings with best friends and their sisters and sex by the pool, etc etc.
    Where is the URGENCY?? Nowhere to be found, at least in MC's lame brain. Except for a brief reminder scene with the sorceress who sacrificed so much for MC, it's now as if that world does not exist anymore -- at least for MC!

    Oh, and that "arcane navigator" -- an entire race on the "other world" rests the hope of their very existence on this being's actions with the MC -- but after being "outed", this being seems to decide that those guys aren't really that important. Cinema and new outfits are more her thing now. VERY weird tonal dissonance in this thing that has yet, if ever, to be explained.

    Okay, then yeah, he finally does the deed with 'person in house.' It was something to be looked forward to earlier -- but now I'm all worried about the other worlders. And, bizarrely, it's the same make-love-by-numbers click direction we got with his onetruelove elfgirl. Like, "Kiss neck", "kiss shoulder", etc. Okay, so I guess elfgirl sex, not as unique as we thought.

    A little post-coital tristesse follows for our goofy Galahad, and he finally thinks, "hmm, why am I so sad??" DUH! Weird thing is, Kora in girlform (that 'arcane navigator') comes by his room and basically says, "oh OK, let's go then." So WTF was all that before about them finding the mystery woman with the amulet in the park?? The "only way", they said. Just...gone, I guess, as a workable idea...

    So, I'm so verbose about this here because I really care(d) about this AVN. I hope the story gets back to where I believe it should be, and away from the extraneous sex-for-very-little-reason other than that it's an adult visual novel. A good "novel" can support a whole lot of "adult", but the opposite is rarely true..
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this one, since i freaking love the looks of two of the girls, but theres just sooooo much draging this game down in to a garbage dumb....even if i did like some of the story it just wasent enough to save the game.

    Not even sure where to start with this one, first its a kinetic novel you have 0 choices untill chapter 4 and even then there is barely any choices doing the next 5 chapters, its extremly kinetic and i just dont like kinetic novels and i wish it would have been taged as such so i wouldent waste my time reading it.

    But the worst is most defently the forced LIs and forced kinks and fetishes, lactation is just not for me and its even worse when its some weird monster girl or i guess cow girl with freaking udders i mean no just hell no.....

    At one point you can even turn down a girl maybe two? but then it goes back to kinetic shit forcing girls on you, like the black bimbo in chapter 9 i wouldetn want to touch her with a 10ft pole, same goes for the bimbo where MC gets painted by the drawf girl, why the fuck is she giving MC a handjob...
    And the pig girl why do MC have to mastubate with her....that shit happens sooo much as well, its just one turn-off after the other.

    Then theres forced incest, atleast i dont mind incest but i still want to have a choice, but even after turning the sister down shes still forced on you, i mean wtf is even going on, why is past choices getting ignored, why even give players choices if they change nothing.

    Im really really supprised how this has such a high rating, in my eyes its so overrated its not even funny.
    Its pretty clear to see this was ment to be an all out kinetic novel and there would have been nothing worng with that but atleast trow the damn tag on it so people not into dont waste time.

    The only reason i could get up to 2 stars is due to nice animations and the elven girl.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    How I Became a Hero [Ch.9] [Naughty tales studios]

    • A uniquely nice story emphasizing incest & poly-amorous. Step sister and friend’s sister being so open minded with their brother for sexual needs is little impressive.
    • Another uniqueness is that switching between present world and ancient world (elf, globlin, cowen, etc.,)
    • Just a beginning of Incest approach with his sister in channel.
    • Very interestingly portrayed the reluctance of giving up the morality by Thessalia’s with MC.
    • Beautifully expressed Aunt Asteria’s feeling
    • Excellent quality of image renders.
    • Excellent quality of animations
    • Play-ability, Sound, performance and grammar are all just OK no issue

    • Not a game, meaning no option for the player to choose different strategies. Just a nice story well structured.
    • Lack of lewd sounds.
    Except for the initial fiction about the change of world like humans / elfs, rest of the story line is very natural / logic. Eagerly waiting for the next release and hope for a nice provoking incest approach with stepmom and aunt.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Chapter 9.

    This game is wildly overrated.


    • The renders and character models are solid
    • The fantasy world side of the story has some intriguing elements

    • The “real” world side of the story is boring as hell and takes up far too much of the game time. Given that the most recent updates are back in the real world, it doesn’t look like we can escape the boring elements of the story moving forward.
    • The game has multiple forced sexual encounters/love interests, including forced incest. I have no issue with incest as a kink but am endlessly frustrated with games that force me into relationships or sexual encounters. If your game is not a kinetic novel, and the scene is not a prologue or flashback, then give me the choice regarding every relationship. This complaint leads into the third (and largest) drawback to this game…
    • This game is completely kinetic through the first 3 chapters. So the first 1/3 of the game is entirely on rails. The dev began including a few choices in chapter 4, unfortunately most of the choices in chapters 4-9 are meaningless. There are several exposition dumps that occur in conversations. During these conversations you can click through multiple questions to receive some additional background information, or just skip through them. None of the questions you can ask appear to have any meaningful impact on the story or the other characters. Other choices are just as meaningless. There are a couple minor characters you can choose to interact with or reject, as well as multiple forced sex scenes that you have to stop and click through. There is also a forced sex scene with your “sister”, which was especially galling given that you are presented with an earlier option to reject her. Even if you choose rejection you are forced to hook up with her.
    Bottom line, this game has decent renders and half of the story shows some promise. However, it is brought down by the real world side of the story and the complete illusion of choice through 9 chapters. It really feels like the dev just wanted to dodge the KN tag, so they slapped some worthless choices in the game and called it a day.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review is for ch8.

    This is a nice game, or really a nice VM. There's not a lot of choices, most seem to filter content or ask you preferences, and that's fine you just progress the story.

    Story is fine, good actually, no pulitzer prize material but that's not what we are here for. It's quite well written, good pacing interesting twists and for me it was an enjoyable journey.

    Renders are really good, not the best I have ever seen, but they are really nice on the eyes.

    So all in all, I really had fun and can't wait to see the next chapters.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    HIBAH is more a kinetic novel then it might appear with the only choices really being about if you want a certain character to be repeated later in the game. However there are some really neat touches. Such as the female figures in the 'real' world are much more realistic while those in the 'fantasy' world are much more fantastical. It's a nice detail.

    I was starting to get a bit bored just reading the story (It's not a bad story) until Shalana came along, really hoping we can get more then a blowjob from her in the future. And then Priestess Zamna.. playing throughis worth it just for the whole scene with her and she'd another character I hope gets a lot more time with the MC.

    And last but not least the most recent chapter at this time has a scene with a girl in the 'real' world who's casually wearing a buttplug that the MC plays with. Rather rare content it seems and a treat.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Average Isekai story but but the MC is charismatic enough. I also cared about the history more than I thought I would. Sympathized with the MC struggles. The models are fine, except for the cow woman that I thought was weird with both human breasts and cow udders. Weirdest design for a furry character I have seen for sure.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the story of this game, but from chap 1 to chap 3 there's no choice and make me kinda boring, im almost dissappoint and want to delete the game. But from chap 4 it's starting to make interesting because there's a choice.. you know what i need 4 days for playing this game, one chapter a day.. because i thought there's no choice in this game it's make me boring don't wanna continue. Usually i play the game like this (obviously there a choice) i just need one day to finish it even for long version or complete version or long chapter.. keep it up brother
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    So I feel like I kinda like this maybe more than I should.
    I mean. The writing ain't great - especially earlier on.
    It does get somewhat better as it progresses, it eventually reaches a point where I'd say it were good enough but I can't lie, there were times I considered quitting. I'm glad I didn't though. Despite the ups and downs, the narrative was decent enough and the characters likeable enough for it to get its hooks into me.

    Its past as a sandbox style game is all too evident in the way it presents its narrative though, at least in the earlier chapters. As I generally dislike that style of game I'm happy enough that they removed the guts, but they could've added meaningful, transitionary writing and dialogue but instead you kinda bounce around between quests without much fanfare. Just feel like there could have been more done to disguise the fact that at certain points, it's very obvious where you'd be clicking around a map or some shit.


    Visuals are good. Like the renders / models and the animations are mostly okay.

    Audio is, as is typical, a non-factor. It exists. But it ain't great.

    All in all, I liked my time with the game and I am keen to play future chapters.
  19. 2.00 star(s)



    yes the pictures are pretty. seen better but also seen much much worse

    the writing is fairly good. can think of other ways to deliver this same plot with more edge for the adult market rather than teen, but it does the job.

    there are a few games on this site i have read/played that i remember after going to sleep. can't say this will be one of them. here's why...

    the design. this starts out as a visual novel. you will go several chapters of kinetic reading before options start to appear. choices are there to filter content.....except it then gets turned into a clicker game. why?
    'stop reading and click here on this single option'
    'stop reading and click here on this single option'
    'stop reading and click here on this single option'

    game deleted and gone to play a clicker game on nutaku instead...
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The overall game deserves a five star rating.
    The story is so interesting that it's worth giving up fast forward and watching.
    The pictures are beautiful, especially the muscular girls, which amazed me. There is a clear sense that the author is serious about his work.
    The early stages of the game were a little slow, and the lack of sex was annoying.
    But now the game is on track. If you chose the experience after reading my review. You can play with confidence.