Regarding the Auto fight option, is it bugged?
1. Lios with Savage Wind Blade, fire ability when ready, and he never uses it. (also tried with shoot down).
2.Luluka however, do uses her Dagger pickup, but, if for some reason her dagger is broken, and she starts throwing stones, she doesn't reuse her initial dagger. Mind, i also have another dagger in her backpack and put the 'Switch to same' and ' Use projectile options' and it doesn't work. Aeon however, do reuse her initial dagger if the said dagger broke.
3. Melee Strategy and Max range. Apparently Lios doesn't adhere to this. In the same case, Regen only options, i have set to 'Disengage at <50%' and no character adhere this. They all still just sit there and kept figthing.