VN - Ren'Py - How to Lose One's Virginity [v0.8FE] [GPoint]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Have to admit i did not manage to stick to it as long as i would have wanted, while graphics are fairly good the story and characters are just horrible.
    It's only use would be if it had an open gallery to watch the h-scenes and skip the story entirely.
    So in essence some modder might save what little there is to save with this, but as is i would avoid it like the plague.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Currently this is one of my favorit games on the site.
    Especially because of Bella and Annabel. The side LI-s (teacher and girl from the gym) also look nice and have interesting personalities. I hope the relationship with them will be developed further.
    Unfortunately Chloe, who is being set up as the main LI has the worst model from all LI-s and her personality is also annoying.

    The story is nothing great, MC starts off as a total, loser and an idiot but later he finds the strength to improve himself.
    After an accident he gains the ability to hear the thoughts of woman in some cases. This changes his luck with women, though he still acts like an idiot most of the time. At least he really puts in some effort to improve himself.

    The mindreading power could lead to some interesting story and situations but it doesn't play a role in most scenes and later on it becomes even more rare of an occurrence. Almost as if the dev wanted to phase it out completely. Clearly it doesn't play a big role in the story and only used as a convenient tool to provide the MC some extra confidence in some scenes.

    As such I think it would be better if it wasn't in the game at all.
    MC-s initial motivation to improve himself could simply come from his near death experience and some knowledge about how to treat some situation with girls could come from Bella as it even happens in some cases.

    The games is quite fast paced, I hope the ending won't be rushed and will be satisfactory for all LI-s, even for the side girls.

    Graphics and animations is 3-4/5 stars.
    Character models 4/5.
    Story 2,5/5.

    If not for Bella, Annabel and maybe the teacher this game would only be average at best. But because of them I give it 4 stars.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very decent, with lively dialogues. The standard scenario is revealed by non-standard situations. This is very close to 5 stars. I hope the author will have enough strength to maintain the level.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Seriously, one of the worst efforts I've seen in my time playing adult games. It makes me wonder if the people rating this mess 4 and 5 stars aren't braindead or complete retards.

    First off, the MC. Fine I see there are changes planned for him but even improving the model won't do much for his idiotic way of doing everything.
    I never got past the part at the gym where enough was enough. In the beginning he is fat and has awful hair and a general look of being really stupid. Despite these obvious triggers for being invisible to women his family still has some obvious attraction to him. It's too dumb to get over.

    No one ever said I was a movie star type but I did ok with women. At one period in my life I was pretty muscular and during that time I never had to work to meet women. The women that like ripped men aren't shy about showing it. The funny thing was after I stopped working out and became more my natural weight women didn't bother me anymore. All it took was losing about 30 pounds of muscle. A fat loser with bad hair would be lucky to pay someone to pay attention to him. There is zero chance any chick would want him. The only way to make this work would be if he was smart and some kind of caring person. He could be friend-zoned and have a hope, but being fat and stupid there is no chance of anything. The older sister gyrating on the fat MC is laughable and not in a good way. Terrible story already.

    The women are decent. The expressions though leave much to be desired. I can think of a bunch of these "tongue n cheek" style games that use the same combination of dumbass humor and exaggerated expressions and none of them work. I get it the dev has no writing ability so it's all he can do but it's not worth watching unless you fall into extremely easy to entertain camp.
    At one point the MC is about to fail his test so of course he wants to buy the answers from the bullies who torment him....Somehow he ends up playing cups with the bully and loses $2000 . Again, painfully dumb,

    I didn't make it far in the game so maybe as some others claim it gets better but it's so bad to start with that it would have to be fucking amazing later to make up for the start and I see no hope of that.

    1 star is fair.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This was one of those timeless examples of a good underlying effort game that ends up shooting itself in the foot without a fluent english proofreader. The review a couple posts down really nailed it while pointing out that the writing resides in this uncanny state where it really would be better off if it was worse. Which at least for me just made it more off putting then usual.

    On top of that the story itself was clearly in a massive rush to get to full sex scene payouts. If like me you prefer gradual buildup and/or a sense of accomplishment with your might want to skip this one by.

    Which is a shame too, since the girls and animated sex scenes themselves are pretty solid. Enough so that it would feel wrong to give this game less then an average rating. It's a decent "download for one fap and probably never care for playing again" pick on that night nothing else popping up on the update looks interesting.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! The renders look good, the story is funny, the dev seems to care for the project and I really like that there are no choices all the time where one needs to be careful not to miss anything. I also like how this VN motivates readers to work on themselves like the MC does.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I thought the game was really good!
    In my opinion, the graphics and animations are excellent too. The plot isn't bad either. I'm very curious to know how the game will end, especially with what was said by the developer.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Appealing so far. Great models, nice animations, promising things to come.

    I have to take two whole stars off because the English is not great. It's in that uncanny valley state where it might be better if it was worse, if that makes sense. It's just wrong enough to really bother you when you see it.

    If you're going to release a game in a language you do not speak fluently, have a proofreader who is fluent in that language.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the quality of the renders. Looking forward to further developments in the story. There is enough originality in the story line, that the little twists from other stories using similar tags, make it a legitimate stand alone game, that is worth the time to play through. I feel the attention to detail on this game is up there with the best of them
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a demo. Not bad, good animations, and everything but lacks content.

    1. faces contort weirdly sometimes. It seems it's really hard to make the characters look sad, or have any negative emotion. maybe the ai is "ethical"?

    2. lack of content.

    1. the story. I have no clue who is the mc and what does he want.

    2. featureless characters with nice bodies.

    3. long dialogues, painful to click through.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I played through v0.7FER in two or three hours. Rather than a VN, it might be more accurate to describe this as a kinetic short-story, or demo. The animations are next-level, facial expressions are the best I have seen in any game. It is essentially a light-hearted comedy, and it kept a smile on my face throughout my play.

    If you are okay with the incest theme and kinetic structure, I recommend taking the time to experience this game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This one is a hit or miss. Renders are nice and animations are unique and smooth with unpredictable loops unlike most DAZ premade ones that we so often witness AVNs. It's a harem incest game yet sadly, since it's so far been a kinetic novel, you have no agency on which girls you want to seduce or recruit to your harem fuckfest, you are doing Ash Pokémon gotta fuck them all. This has so far been the only downside that I can't ignore no matter what. The MC starts out as a beta loser type of guy who is having a character development and will probably become dominant in future updates, yet this might seem off putting for some audiences so I'm pointing this one out and my believe in the prospect of it changing for the better so definitely don't avoid this game just for this aspect.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.7FE

    The writing reads like written by a child and the plot is boring, redundant.
    The MC looks like a undesirable jerk (which might be intentional, whatever).
    The animations look stiff.
    The women/ their personalities are like 99% of this page: 1 Milf, 1 Slut, 1 Smug, and all are hungy for the MC's oversized c*ck.

    The game DOES improve with time and wasted potential:
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    The story stays weak, though.

    All in all, there is nothing worth spending time on. Just skip it.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    [Review v0.7FE]

    At this point, I have to drop this game because the experience is just awful.

    First and foremost, I DON'T LIKE kinetic novels, especially regarding the harem genre. I want the usual harem buildup process that requires a bit of choice and consideration (even the simple "accept" or "refuse" option for LIs), so the game already annoys me a bit because of its KN tag.

    Second, the story itself is a hot mess. The start of the story is the usual loser description, that's fine for me because it can set up the premise for MC's transformation in the future, but I'm not too fond of excessive anxiety-inducing scenarios, and unfortunately, the first 30 minutes of gameplay is full of them. I almost rage quit this game but still, I toughed it up and the story seems better and better. But then in this update, the need for suspension of disbelief is just OFF THE CHART. You are telling me that by losing only a few pounds, adding a bit of gel on your hair, and wearing some goofy sunglasses, both your teacher (she even calls MC his name in their "first" meeting at the nightclub OMFG!) and your mother (who apparently doesn't recognize her son's voice and face! WOW, talk about mother of the year!) just fuck you instantly because MC's transformation is sooo profound that they can't recognize him anymore! This is the most illogical scenario I've ever seen, and the typical lazy way to skip relationship buildup, which is the exact opposite when it comes to creating good incest and/or harem stories.

    To be fair, the render in this game is fine, so credit where credit's due. But for the dev's next game, he/she needs to hire some competent storytellers to set up the story and sort out the relationship buildup, otherwise, I just hope it doesn't end up a hot mess like this game is.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a funny game but the plot is absolutely atrocious. Everything is completely stupid. The MC effectively rapes his drunk sister in her sleep and she's just completely fine with it. No mention of her boyfriend, by the way, that she is apparently still with the entire time they are fucking, with the player having no clue if they are a sexually active couple or not. The MC's teacher and mother fuck the MC because apparently, all it takes is a bit of gel in your hair for people that see you every day to not recognize you and your voice. So for you guys that want to fuck your mom, all you have to do is get a nice suit and slick up your hair and she won't have any idea it's you! Easily the most half-assed way to skip relationship build-up I've ever seen. It's Incest porn where you don't know anything about any character before they're all screwing, and for that, I'm not giving it more than 1 star. The romance tag being on this game is laughable. There is no romance here.

    3 star game? Sure, that'd be a fair evaluation. A 4.5 star game? Hell no.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Given the effort to create a normal looking protagonist (Not a gigachad, not an ugly bastard), I was thinking some effort would be made to try to keep the dialog and the relationships believable, too. I was so terribly wrong. The VN isn't bad, but it's not anything new, either. If you're not new to these things, you can reliably predict exactly what's going to happen next, which is problematic for a kinetic novel. If you're only here to fap, I'm sure you'll be just fine with this, which is why I'm not going lower than a 3, but if you were looking for anything interesting, this is not it, which is why I'm not going higher than a 3.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic VN - LOVE the renders and animations .. Beautiful models - especially M*m Looking forward to more of this AND the Devs other project

    Models 5/5
    Animations 5/5
    plot -- interesting premise
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    what I liked:
    - the renders are beautiful and well-made without any obvious flaws or noise
    - the girl's models are sexy
    - MC is not a wimp nor a jerk
    - each one of the love interests has a unique personality some are shy , others are very forward
    - the writing is decent, definitely above average

    what I didn't like:
    - story is a bit uninteresting
    - animations are not very good

    final verdict: 5/5 game, highly recommended
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Review based on the Content of v0.3.

    - Story has an interessting start and is besides the overal plot unique.
    - Renders and the Li's in gerneral are realy nice in my opinion.
    - Not much seen about the others but Bella has a realy nice, teasing
    and positive personality. I didn't expect that.
    - Overall, every Li is likeable sofar
    - I liked the animations with the changing facial expressions,
    not the typical "mouth open/close" thing.
    - The Mind Controll is not Mind Controll, the MC can hear the thoughts of others.
    wich for me is better than Mind Controll.
    - Everything i have seen seems above the everage VN's here and i love it.

    MC and Bella sex was great.
    It was hot, dirty, wholesome and funny at the same time. :)
    With in my opinion good writing/acting in perversion and dirty talk.
    Not the typical 13 year olds wet dream dirty talk you would get in so many VN's.
    Also not the typical slowburn but also on the other hand not a dumb whore/fuckfest scene.
    Also she loves her brother before she got the hots for him.
    Usually in VN's like this, "she would hate him until she sees his dick in
    the shower" ;) I think you know what i mean...

    But, i'll not gona lie. After the content of a Harem/Romance/Incest VN,
    it was in my opinion not the best idea to promote a Swinger/Sharing VN
    where a "Friend/Sister" gets fucked by several man.
    Directly after MC fucking his sister in this VN.
    And judging by the text, the other guy holding her hands behind her back
    at the beach and the mc covering his eys in the sauna so he dont sees his "friend/sister" getting off,
    it seems to be atleast at the beginning more than the typical swinging/sharing ;)

    This isn't bad at all and it looks like it's a good VN/Story
    if you are into that type of content.
    But, it kinda ruined the mood and the good impression for me by
    placing this add DIRECTLY after MC fucking his sister inside a VN that seems
    to have the exact opposite type of content.
    Atleast i hope nothing like this is planned in this VN here.

    I would have have rated the content 5 Stars and i know the add
    is not part of the VN, but its played directly after the major
    ending scene of this update and it just wasn't a good move
    to put it there.

    I will be a bit cautious based on the Dev's opionion about
    setbacks mean character growth, cheating and NTR he wrote
    about in the comments.

    But overall, i WANT more of this, for now amazing VN.
    For me personally it could become one of the best
    Incest Harem VN. I realy like the nontypical perversion/dirty talk in here.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the game. First high quality visuals is the biggest pro of this game. This one is kinetical and it will remain as the same. Many won't prefer kinetical games. Since it's Dev's first he decided to do it like this. Well that's a good decision. I didn't mind the kinetical since it's fun and quirk. Older sister is prettier

    Seems like Dev's next game is about swinger that's not my cup of tea. But there are some who enjoys it. So good luck with it.

    I'm glad this one's harem he didn't included swinging. Overall I enjoyed this one. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates